Wow...covid related

Don’t be an idiot. what percentage of Americans are obese, have high blood pressure, or otherwise have a pre-existing condition?

You tell me. I’m assuming a lot. I guess there is slightly obese and orca fat and high blood pressure and head exploding scanners guy.
so according to the CDC: don’t be old, or fat, or both at the same time. it increases your risk and susceptibility to other illnesses

CDC is fat shaming and ageist
QAnon is a far right conspiracy thoery alleging that a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles running a global child sex-trafficking ring is plotting against President Trump.

CDC data didn't change. Just crazy people looking for something.
I read an article about how Tebow, who fights against pedophiles and sex trafficking makes him a Q guy. So now anyone that fights against pedophiles is a "crazy" person. Tell you what, I don't care if there is a crazy conspiracy behind it, if they are furthering the crackdown or bringing to light pedophiles, let them go crazy.
You can make a very strong argument that those comorbidity cases would have died if they contracted the flu virus.

Or pneumonia or a rhinovirus or another coronavirus. Essentially if you tested positive and your cause of death was not from obvious trauma then they marked as COVID. CDC however, has been breaking this up into three categories for months. COVID, COVID+Pneumonia, COVID+Influenza. I don’t think they were hiding this but rather waiting on more detailed information.

Intersting, average age of death of COVID mortalities (all cases) is the same as our current life expectancy
What’s crazy about 94% of covid deaths is that for each death with only 1 comorbidity, there may have been:
3 deaths with 3 comorbidities
1 death with 4 comorbidities approach the 2.6 number.

And this is beyond the deaths that had 2 & 3 to average out to 2.5.
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Saying that Covid killed 180,000 doesn't tell the whole story and saying it only killed 10k doesn't tell the whole story. I've heard it mentioned a couple times but never really studied the excess death numbers...I think we are abut to hear a lot more about it and it's trending twoard normal. It's a serious problem but we really just need to protect the f$@k out of the vulnerable.
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You mean the CDC is continually examining its data and issuing corrections as they are found? Oh, my.
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Floyd wouldn’t have died if the police weren’t kneeling on his neck. It’s possible to have multiple factors but I get your point. Remove one factor and people survive. My bigger point was people without those other factors should be good to go.
You mean the CDC is continually examining its data and issuing corrections as they are found? Oh, my.
corrections of mistakes due to willful ignorance?.. or instead, just normal, accidental ignorance?
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..also, blood pressure data for many of these patients is first available at the hospital, so you have an ER patient experiencing labored breathing and fearing for his/her life, being marked with 2 comorbidities
...and controlled hypertension vs uncontrolled
corrections of mistakes due to willful ignorance?.. or instead, just normal, accidental ignorance?
Never attribute to a conspiracy that which can be explained by incompetence
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85% of cancer patients have at least one comorbidity. Hope we aren’t miscoding those deaths and wasting money on research

Or maybe doctors understand how a comorbidity factors into causes of death better than people on a football message board.
85% of cancer patients have at least one comorbidity. Hope we aren’t miscoding those deaths and wasting money on research

Or maybe doctors understand how a comorbidity factors into causes of death better than people on a football message board.

Is anyone suggesting that we stop trying to figure out covid or cancer?

Great comparison by the way. One of these diseases moves into and is defeated by the body in a couple of weeks without the person ever even knowing in most cases.

The other is cancer.
i have no idea what Q is or does. The CDC link is what it is
It should be obvious that the tweet you linking is a misleading take on the CDC data. You don't mind, because it's misleading in the direction you want (edit: this is an assumption that may be wrong. Maybe you were just looking for the chart and this was the first link you found. Either way i hope you don't follow this person. Fake news comes in all forms). The loss of rational thought is what is actually going to destroy our country.
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85% of cancer patients have at least one comorbidity. Hope we aren’t miscoding those deaths and wasting money on research

Or maybe doctors understand how a comorbidity factors into causes of death better than people on a football message board.
That’s interpreting the data wrong and making a straw man. The data doesn’t mean COVID didn’t contribute to their deaths, it may have or may not have contributed. It’s not important to look at that as it doesn’t help. It does say had the complete wrong reaction. We should have never locked down and we should have quarantined those that got sick and those that had pre-exiting conditions that put them at risk. Just like most people were saying from the start, and was at the time based on what we learned from Italy, Spain, and Germany. It also means there is no data supporting lockdowns anymore. We took a sledgehammer to a china store to kill a cockroach.
85% of cancer patients have at least one comorbidity. Hope we aren’t miscoding those deaths and wasting money on research

Or maybe doctors understand how a comorbidity factors into causes of death better than people on a football message board.
haha yea, i could have some fun with the wasted research money, however..
i think the existence of comorbidity is universally acknowledged.

i also agree that fat, old people who get the china virus and die... should be listed as covid death.
but fat, old people who die, and are then tested to see if they had covid, should not.
I read an article about how Tebow, who fights against pedophiles and sex trafficking makes him a Q guy. So now anyone that fights against pedophiles is a "crazy" person. Tell you what, I don't care if there is a crazy conspiracy behind it, if they are furthering the crackdown or bringing to light pedophiles, let them go crazy.
Fighting against sex trafficing, which is a real thing, in no way makes you crazy. Believing Trump is some divine leader sent to save the world from a deep state of satan worshiping pedophiles run by the Democratic party and Hollywood probably does.
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It should be obvious that the tweet you linking is a misleading take on the CDC data. You don't mind, because it's misleading in the direction you want (edit: this is an assumption that may be wrong. Maybe you were just looking for the chart and this was the first link you found. Either way i hope you don't follow this person. Fake news comes in all forms). The loss of rational thought is what is actually going to destroy our country.

Thanks for that...worthless response. I wish I had the rational thought!!!
My point was you can’t discount covid deaths because the people had a comorbidity anymore than you can discount a cancer death because the person had one. It has nothing to do with shutdowns or whatever else that was attributed to.
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Fighting against sex trafficing, which is a real thing, in no way makes you crazy. Believing Trump is some divine leader sent to save the world from a deep state of satan worshiping pedophiles run by the Democratic party and Hollywood probably does.

Agreed. What about believing Putin put the president in place and Trump is a Russian pawn? One is not believed by the majority of conservatives and one was actually treated like a real thing with a multi million dollar investigation. Your crazies are in the mainstream and ours are on websites and nobody knows them. Congrats, gang. We got this thread killed with politics.
My point was you can’t discount covid deaths because the people had a comorbidity anymore than you can discount a cancer death because the person had one. It has nothing to do with shutdowns or whatever else that was attributed to.

But you can attribute a death to an 85 year old with COPD to covid? That seems to be the case. This whole thing was about shutdowns.
Agreed. What about believing Putin put the president in place and Trump is a Russian pawn? One is not believed by the majority of conservatives and one was actually treated like a real thing with a multi million dollar investigation. Your crazies are in the mainstream and ours are on websites and nobody knows them. Congrats, gang. We got this thread killed with politics.
Yep, one sides conspiracy theories are spread by the MSM.
Thanks for that...worthless response. I wish I had the rational thought!!!
I already credited you with rational thought by suggesting you knew that it was misleading but didn't mind, but now I'm second guessing.
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If this thread gets moved because of politics but the two now-locked sticky threads don’t then something is wrong with how the rules are applied.
I already credited you with rational thought by suggesting you knew that it was misleading but didn't mind, but now I'm second guessing.
LOL. You’re a good man. I now realize it’s bad to put a conspiracy theorist as the presenter of the info on the CDC website. Further analysis is we should have never shut down and those at risk should have sheltered in place which is what many of us said. It’s easy to use hindsight so I don’t blame those completely who wanted to do it.
Dude she links to a list of top 10 videos to watch to learn more about Q and has it in her profile. I am not trying to talk shit, just pointing out she’s nuts

She may be. I don’t follow her on twitter.
But you can attribute a death to an 85 year old with COPD to covid? That seems to be the case. This whole thing was about shutdowns.
Yes. Yes, you can. He wouldn’t have (or at least, highly unlikely) died that day if not for COVID
Hopefully you recognize the difference in what those two people posted.
What does anyone think that the us (as a country) should’ve done differently that would’ve actually made significant improvements in the death numbers?
What does anyone think that the us (as a country) should’ve done differently that would’ve actually made significant improvements in the death numbers?
A virus is going to do what a virus does. People have been brainwashed into thinking otherwise.
Lockdowns were the worst possible thing to do.
What does anyone think that the us (as a country) should’ve done differently that would’ve actually made significant improvements in the death numbers?

people would say national mask mandate but even Biden said he would encourage the governors to do it which isn’t really much different.
A virus is going to do what a virus does. People have been brainwashed into thinking otherwise.
Lockdowns were the worst possible thing to do.
What do you attribute other countries better success at both infections and deaths?

Also, I know you believe lockdowns were some political game. Do you believe Biden talked all other countries into lockdowns, or that each country has an election coming?