Ok so would you say you are neither for nor against the vaccine…rather undecided? If so, I’m curious at if you have a point we’re there will be enough data for you to make the call?
Ok so would you say you are neither for nor against the vaccine…rather undecided? If so, I’m curious at if you have a point we’re there will be enough data for you to make the call?
Only 18 months of testing can’t possibly tell the whole story on that.
Ok so would you say you are neither for nor against the vaccine…rather undecided? If so, I’m curious at if you have a point we’re there will be enough data for you to make the call?
Aren't you kind of doing what you're getting onto others for doing?This thread almost (ALMOST) makes me hope the Aggies have a terrible season. Because I’m not sure any of us deserve anything nice. You’re attacking your own kind on here. Nobody is changing their minds so why the mean spiritedness? Why the **** has this thread been allowed to go 11 pages? Look in the gd mirror people and stop this shit.
How so? I’m being mean spirited and nasty and calling people names?Aren't you kind of doing what you're getting onto others for doing?
Apparently he knows everything already.![]()
More than 150 employees resign or are fired from Houston hospital system after refusing to get vaccinated
Houston Methodist was one of the nation’s first health systems to impose a coronavirus vaccine mandate.www.texastribune.org
This was at Houston Methodist. Alone.
Surprised you were not up to date on this.
Naw, you're all right. I'm just being a smart ace.How so? I’m being mean spirited and nasty and calling people names?
I'm not a doctor, but understood this drug was for cows and horses. The only people taking it are jackasses. Get vaccinated. Follow science, not conspiracy theories.
I’m for the vaccine for some people. I was all for my father and mother-in-law getting vaccinated. I’m not so certain for myself at my ageOk so would you say you are neither for nor against the vaccine…rather undecided? If so, I’m curious at if you have a point we’re there will be enough data for you to make the call?
It’s pretty likely I’ve got the Covid right now. I tested negative today but my wife and kid have it. I think I just don’t have enough viral load to test positive yet. If I do have it and by some miracle I survive, I certainly won’t be taking the vaccine.Maybe when people quit telling him to take it and he can act like it was his idea to get vaccinated.
I'm not a doctor, but understood this drug was for cows and horses. The only people taking it are jackasses. Get vaccinated. Follow science, not conspiracy theories.
"Follow Science" so tired of you dipshits using that term and you don't have any understanding of the scientific process or limitations of clinical trials. Most of you dickheads read a ****ing headline and a summary from a barely literate journalist without reading the actual research and try to beat others over the head with it, like LSA's idiotic assertion that the vaccine is better than natural antibodies (and the article he linked was comparing only reinfection rates...).I'm not a doctor, but understood this drug was for cows and horses. The only people taking it are jackasses. Get vaccinated. Follow science, not conspiracy theories.
"Follow Science" so tired of you dipshits using that term and you don't have any understanding of the scientific process or limitations of clinical trials. Most of you dickheads read a ****ing headline and a summary from a barely literate journalist without reading the actual research and try to beat others over the head with it, like LSA's idiotic assertion that the vaccine is better than natural antibodies (and the article he linked was comparing only reinfection rates...).
Are they exposing people to COVID to test Ivermectin as a prophylaxis? No because that would be an unethical trial to put people in danger like that. Sometimes it's ok to look at real world evidence and application. The below doesn't PROVE anything but it's pretty strong evidence that we should take a longer look at Ivermectin.
Haven't been on this abortion of a thread for a week but in case anybody hasn't discussed it:
They started a nationwide Ivermectin distribution in late May to use as a prophylaxis. Uttar Pradesh, their largest province and roughly 2/3 the population of the US- had 7 cases yesterday. 7!!!
It gets better, neighboring provinces that rejected the Ivermectin protocol have had daily case numbers in the thousands. All of the provinces that followed the Ivermectin protocol saw a significant drop in daily cases.
Haven't seen much mainstream coverage of this but it's a pretty big deal that deserves a closer look.
Another statement made out of ignorance. This has been approved for human usage for decadesI'm not a doctor, but understood this drug was for cows and horses. The only people taking it are jackasses. Get vaccinated. Follow science, not conspiracy theories.
Another review in the same journal was conducted by investigators who have been unabashed cheerleaders for the drug. They reviewed 18 randomized controlled trials of ivermectin and concluded that it is effective in all phases of COVID-19 (American Journal of Therapeutics, May-June 2021).“The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.”
Doesn’t work on whips and marginal efficacy on hooks. Which is why commercial Heartworm meds have pyrantel added.I have used on my dogs for years to worm them. Gets them all except tape worms.
Easy to think that on the surface but doubtful. If there was an error it was underestimating their peak due to unreported cases because of a lack of medical attention for the sick.those numbers from india are less reliable than drinking water drawn from the ganges.
some of you guys pick strange people and things to trust.
Well shit this does not look good.
An infectivity-enhancing site on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein targeted by antibodies
A subset of antibodies detected in patients with severe COVID-19 target a specific region of the N-terminal domain of the spike protein and enhance binding of the virus to the ACE2 receptor.www.cell.com
What does that mean?
It means the vaccineted are the super spreaders.What does that mean?
But can’t trust the US medical communitythose numbers from india are less reliable than drinking water drawn from the ganges.
some of you guys pick strange people and things to trust.
I use Duck Duck Go because Google consistently censors the info.man I am having trouble finding a link I can send to a few physicians I know to get their opinion on this guys presentation. Can you let me know how this can be found. Google searches only pull up articles trying to disprove this guys assertion
It’s used for humans as well. Not just your ass 😆I'm not a doctor, but understood this drug was for cows and horses. The only people taking it are jackasses. Get vaccinated. Follow science, not conspiracy theories.
Factcheck lol, that garbage isn't the least bit independent. Not saying anything about the guy, might be a quack but fact check sites have been shown to be absolute untrustworthy garbage.he’s a quack.
Idaho Doctor Makes Baseless Claims About Safety of COVID-19 Vaccines - FactCheck.org
A viral video features a doctor making dubious claims about COVID-19 vaccines and treatments at a forum hosted by Idaho's lieutenant governor. Dr. Ryan Cole claims mRNA vaccines cause cancer and autoimmune diseases, but the lead author of the paper on which Cole based that claim told us there is...www.factcheck.org
The “my secret smart club” knows better mentality on this thread is unreal. If any of this was true in India, it would be celebrated and used worldwide. Tons and tons of rich people are losing billions of dollars on all this. It’s not controlled by anyone. Living your life like that must be really stressfulBut can’t trust the US medical community
They’re liberals trying to harm Republicans
Trust da staff.The “my secret smart club” knows better mentality on this thread is unreal. If any of this was true in India, it would be celebrated and used worldwide. Tons and tons of rich people are losing billions of dollars on all this. It’s not controlled by anyone. Living your life like that must be really stressful
Hey I wholeheartedly disagree with you, but Fing love you tried to relate to my previous pain and suffering by saying “he will not be named” in this thread.Trust da staff.
We have the political equivalent of Fran in charge of this shit. You do realize Fauci is responsible for this right? Not in a conspiratorial way, in a doing dumb shit way. This scenario has been warned about for decades regarding gain of function research and yet he supported and funded it including direct funding of the Wuhan lab via NIH grants.
Don't attribute to malice that which can be more easily explained by incompetence.
This entire process has been completely mismanaged from start to present.
What are the “maintenance costs” for taking ivermectin?I would think there’s less health risk and for sure less maintenance and cost taking the vaccine compared to taking ivermectin.
Absolutely nothing happens when taking the vaccine (almost nothing).