Talked to Denton Guyer 4Star S Peyton Bowen…

Met Peyton Bowen today at Guyer before my sons game. He watched us warm up and so I started a neat conversation about recruiting. I like our chances. And that’s before I gave him the “might as well go ahead and go SEC” “Notre Dame was the single coldest game I’d ever been to, 2006 South Bend”
“It was cool if you like old traditional but it ain’t no Kyle field”
He agreed. And I can confirm Marks update that indeed, Durkin was here this week.

i e done my part in the bye week Ags

Ask a cunning linguist….

@Battalion Ex this is for you, brah.

Personally, I admire the mastery and execution of the most difficult language. The nuances, the proper structures, the 372 words that sound the same but have a different spelling and when and where to use them.

I have many questions for a man with your breadth (that’s good, right?) of knowledge on such the subject.

This is where I’d post a meme, or .gif, or whatever the fvck you call it, of Forrest Gump saying “I’m not a smart man…”

Imma kick it off with this question, because I wanna be better, and I wanna understand this. Every definition I’ve ever heard just confuses me further. Not ashamed to admit that cuz this joint is my “safe tree” and I don’t really give a fvck what any of you think…

….except for Batt, duh.

Affect and effect…go!

Most Ridiculous Human Accent

I was listening to a podcast recently by a guy from South Africa and thinking just how incredibly stupid the way he pronounced words was. Somehow all of his vowels sounded like the short i sound. Sith Ifrici. Like if an Australian had a head injury and was learning to talk again.

So, then I started giggling about other limey accents like that British foppish one where they make all their th- sounds into f- like a little kid learning to talk. Like, "I fink me teef needs a brushin, mate'." or the American hillbilly where the voice breaks at the top like Mr Haney.

The Mumbai accent is incredibly cartoonish and hilarious, especially when they start talking about food and doing the head bobble back and forth while they talk. Plus, there's like a billion people who talk that way.

Everyone knows the Minnesota accent is pretty f*cking goofy, but I'd contend that the Michigian Ugly accent is funnier, especially with that stupid perma-grin all those people up there wear on their faces all the time despite their actual emotion.

Actors in movies always get the real Texas accent wrong and try to do it like a hillbilly, but even then it's not ridiculous and funny like the other ones. Throw in a lasso and a bored horse just standing there and it's pretty humorous, but the accent alone isn't necessarily funny.

So, what's the silliest human accent that always makes you giggle when you hear it?

Job Opportunity Available

Looking for a store manager for one of my quick-service restaurants in NW Houston. Responsible for all operations of the store imcluding managing of approximately 65 employees.

Good pay, average benefits, great boss! Very flexible hours with almost no weekends or evenings.

UPDATE: Send inquiries and/or resume' to:


Once American College men and women wore our school colors proudly, sang songs abbout them fondlyn and proudly displayed them on our sports teams' uniforms as a symbol of loyalty. and proud identity, They were badges symbolic of honor and marks of loyal faith to our university.and what she stood for. Now they are a clowns' colllage of a garish clown's combinations similar to a collection of rags from a garbage heap.
I can't tell what TCU'S colots are - red, black or red- certainly not purple.
Senseless and gaudy.
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Correa-Pena interview

It was fun and awkward to watch but I would like to see Pena interview Correa! So many questions he could ask

"Carlos, how does it feel to be watching the playoffs and your former team in the playoffs right now."

"Carlos, your Twins had a very disappointing season. Do you regret taking a little extra money instead of being here kicking it with your boys in the playoffs again?"

"Carlos, were you surprised that I was so easily able to come in and replace you? How does that make you feel?"

"If you were a GM would you have paid Carlos Correa the money he was demanding? Do you think that was a good business decision by the Astros to run with myself, on a rookie contract, instead of paying you 30 mil for the same production?"

Another teacher headed to jail....

Just dumb, dumb, dumb...............and her husband turned her in..

choir teacher of a local high school is facing criminal charges after court documents say she had an inappropriate relationship with a student.

According to a press release from the New Wilmington Police Department, an investigation into 26-year-old Olivia Lois Ortz began after the principal of the Wilmington Area High School received a call from Ortz’s husband, reporting the alleged relationship. As a mandated reporter, the principal reported the allegation to the police.
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