What is up with people these days?!?

I had just settled into my seat at my moonlighting job doing security at Home Depot. I am watching the cameras on the parking lot and this geezer is helping this young buck get out of his parking spot but he rolls into the geezer causing the geezer to bang his hand down on the car. Then the young buck gets out of his car and walks up to the geezer and grabs him by the crotch. The next thing you know they are both nekkid in the parking log in a 69. Holy shit what a pain in the ass. I had to get out my comfy seat and put down my pb&j and break out a hose and hose them down to get them to break up. Don't these idiots know the rules?!? I mean, just write a note to the guy and ask him to park diagonally in his driveway if he is interested. Be sure to take your laptop and leave it behind so you will have a reason to go back. And for goodness sake, keep this crap behind closed doors.


I would like to know the opinions of anyone that thinks this was a good idea. Sincerely, please give me some reason to understand how this helped us.

I am being serious, and would like to know. Opened thread here because it has to be political.

The real death of college football

Took my son, niece and nephew to the LSU game. I had a thought during the game that I've never had before. If I wasn't already a fan of college football, I don't think I would become one. The game is exciting, the action fantastic, the fans are passionate. But holy hell the game moves way too slow. There was a point early 2nd quarter where this thought occurred, and then I couldn't get it out of my mind every time the commercial break guy with the countdown sign starting at 3:25 would come on the field.

2nd quarter, LSU snaps it with 14:26 on the clock, 1st and goal. 33:30 in real time on my DVR.

Call is reviewed to see if it's a TD. It is.

Extra point.




12 yd pass to Moose

18 yd pass to Moose

5 yd run to Achane

4 yd run to Achane

4 yd run to Achane

Incomplete to Crownover

3 yd run to Achane

9 yd scramble by Weigman

Perkins injured


3 yd run by Achane

Incomplete to Johnson

Incomplete to Green




9:23 on the game clock, 58:56 on my DVR when LSU snaps it on 1st down.

In summary, 5:06 off the game clock. 17 plays, of which, 2 were KOs unreturned, 1 was an XP, 1 was a FG. 3 commercial breaks, a review, and an injury. Over 25 minutes in real time to see 13 football plays. LSU's offense didn't touch the ball for 25 minutes.


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What is up with the old people these days?

So I'm leaving Home Depot yesterday morning after buying some tools in Spring on my way later to Denny's for breakfast. Leaving the store I see some guy waiving me to back up. So I carefully back up and he hits me with his hand as hard as he could to let me know he's there. I jumped out quick to see if he was ok. He looked at me with no feelings of regret and hauled ass inside Home Depot. What is it with people today? Why did he waive me to pull out and hit my corvette z06? He didn't even apologize? People today. Not to mention, he was wearing a cowboys jersey.

"Classic" version of AWH

Feeling a bit nostalgic tonight.....

Thoughts on this AWH version?

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I have this record on a 78 LP along with 4-5 other recordings from back in the day.

I like this rendition myself.

Ironically enough, I was at a concert @ Cynthia Woods about 15 years ago & happened to sit next to the drummer of the Burning Midgets and the discussion came up about this version:
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Lots of different versions abound.

Besides the FTAB, what is your favorite version?

Please post.

I'm not trying to be too weird......Pinky is my grandpa.

Here's a pic of him after he returned to A&M to finish his degree @ A&M after he returned from France in 1920.


  • Poll
Offensive Coordinator hire timeline

How long should Jimbo be willing to wait on his top candidate(s) for OC?

  • We need an OC by the end of the weekend at the latest.

    Votes: 18 15.9%
  • End of the Playoffs or Bowl Games, if required.

    Votes: 16 14.2%
  • Doesn't matter. Wait as long as needed to hire right candidate.

    Votes: 70 61.9%
  • Set a date for the hire and live with your choice.

    Votes: 9 8.0%

With Early Signing Day just around the corner, getting "our guy" on board quickly would be optimal, in my opinion. Still, the importance of this hire cannot be understated. So how long is too long for Jimbo to get the "right guy?"

I negotiate large contracts for a living and have been in a number of hiring panels as well. I can honestly tell you that I have had to negotiate or hire to a version of pretty much all the scenarios listed in my poll answers. It's tough. So, what do y'all think?
