Serious question for LSA and all the others pushing the vaccine so ardently.
Why do you want so badly for ME to get the vaccine?
- Many of you have a deep dislike for everything I believe, so in extension have a dislike for me.
- If YOU have had the vaccine #1, #2 and a booster, it doesn't keep YOU from getting COVID.
- If YOU have had the vaccines it doesn't keep you from transmitting COVID.
- IF I get the vaccine #1, #2 and a booster, it doesn't keep ME from getting COVID
- If I get the vaccine it doesn't prevent me from transmitting COVID to you.
I understand what your perceived benefits are for me if I get the vaccine. I may not get as sick and die.
What are the benefits for you if I do get the vaccine? It won't eradicate the disease.
AGAIN - Why do you want so badly for ME to get the vaccine?
Anecdotally (because it's been pointed out numerous times on this board that anyone who decides not to get the vaccine is because they are relying on anecdotal evidence) every case of COVID is different. So in anecdotal reasoning (since I am not allowed to use facts), if I get the vaccine and then get COVID, IT MAY NOT BE AS BAD as it would have been if I did not get the vaccine but contracted COVID. But also, I may have only had a mild case anyway. No one knows. Anecdotally, of course.
So, other than the government and all the government sponsored agencies telling us that we must get vaccinated in order to defeat this pandemic, although the government's anecdotal evidence is contrary, why do you so desperately need ME to get this vaccine?
I seriously want to know.