For the Ags taking ivermectin as a Covid preventative:

What about the FDA? Sure they are in on this too, right? Its not a conspiracy, just a secret club you guys have where you have better information than us. Makes sense. Totally rational. Of course a pandemic could be solved at Tractor Supply. How did I miss this?

You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it
Just off of the top of my head, these organizations (including fauci) outright lied about what they knew about the origins of covid.

the administration telling us we must get the vaccine—the same administration you voted for—is actively importing covid cases into the country by the thousands.

you aren’t coming at this conversation from a position of intellectual superiority, so shut the fvck up.
What about the FDA? Sure they are in on this too, right? Its not a conspiracy, just a secret club you guys have where you have better information than us. Makes sense. Totally rational. Of course a pandemic could be solved at Tractor Supply. How did I miss this?

You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it
True or false- ivermectin is a well known medication used on humans for 45 years across the globe with known antiviral properties? And it is perfectly safe within prescribed dosage limits.

True or false- there have been several RCT studies and peer reviewed papers which indicate ivermectin may be beneficial vs covid? With the stipulation that more study is needed.

True or false- the CDC, WHO, and FDA, along with most of the media and current administration have completely shut down any discussion whatsoever of the efficacy of ivermectin and effectively refused to admit that it might have any role in combatting covid despite data that says it could.

I’m not advocating for or against it, I’m just open to the discussion and I can see why people might be more willing to try it than the vaccines.

Off label use of medication has a long and broad history. And when something which is extremely well known in terms of its risks and benefits with 45 years of usage humans I can certainly see why people are more willing to try it over something exceedingly new and novel. If you can’t understand that and your only response is to “trust the experts” who have repeatedly lied then you’re in no position to cast aspersions.
My response for the exact same post...2 posts earlier...still applies

So that tweet from the FDA that appears to be written by someone's 13 year old daughter is supposed to be persuasive?

See my response to Tom above, rebut the things I posted with well thought out responses. I'm truly interested.

Respond to my argument with a mean tweet and all you do is diminish your own credibility
...and I'm pro vaccinated This isn't a tribal or political issue to me. It's a truth issue.
It’s almost like we predicted what the response would be if we brought in more experts not named CDC or WHO. Really wish you guys would take this back to your FB groups to share your super really real medical information amongst yourselves and keep this nonsense off here.
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Look man, I tend to agree with your position moreso than not regarding the vaccine. But you’re being equally obtuse by not considering some of the other options that have been presented by knowledgeable doctors and scientists. And simply dismissing people’s vaccine hesitancy (which isn’t totally invalid) with wisecracks is NOT going to suddenly make people see the light.
The lack of trusting basic, commonly accepted science is the entirety of my take on this. It causes so many downstream issues. Look what the normalization of the term fake news has turned into?

My frustration over these yahoos starting another Covid outbreak is weighing heavily on the commentary. Your point is well taken on the ability to move the needle.
no, it's definitely political for you.

all hemming and hawing aside.
I'm simply open to the data, the science. I'm open to being wrong, certainly not fearful of being wrong. I listen to all points of view and draw my own conclusions. One of which was to be vaccinated, even after having had covid, the moment I was eligible.

Obviously I have political points of view, but I have tried to be careful not to argue this issue on that basis.

It appears, at least to me, that your opinion of others and their points of view are largely driven by your own political views and hubris. So excuse me if I ignore your opinion of me or my arguments.
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It appears, at least to me, that your opinion of others and their points of view are largely driven by your own political views and hubris. So excuse me if I ignore your opinion of me or my arguments.
Imagine being talked down to about covid being political by a guy who was mocking people with trump gifs in this very thread.
The lack of trusting basic, commonly accepted science is the entirety of my take on this. It causes so many downstream issues. Look what the normalization of the term fake news has turned into?

My frustration over these yahoos starting another Covid outbreak is weighing heavily on the commentary. Your point is well taken on the ability to move the needle.

You mean like basic science about how catching a virus and beating it provides future immunity. Frequently quite long term as the folks who beat SARS like 18 years ago have proven immune to covid?

There’s a shit-ton of basic science which is contra to the approved narrative but it’s rejected wholesale by your ilk while all these authorities have flat out lied. Repeatedly. Or do you deny that they’ve lied? Or at a minimum been less than wholly forthright and transparent??

People aren’t largely rejecting science. They’re rejecting scientists who have been proven to be activist bureaucrats.
You mean like basic science about how catching a virus and beating it provides future immunity. Frequently quite long term as the folks who beat SARS like 18 years ago have proven immune to covid?

There’s a shit-ton of basic science which is contra to the approved narrative but it’s rejected wholesale by your ilk while all these authorities have flat out lied. Repeatedly. Or do you deny that they’ve lied? Or at a minimum been less than wholly forthright and transparent??

People aren’t largely rejecting science. They’re rejecting scientists who have been proven to be activist bureaucrats.
Agree with you on having Covid provides great immunity. As discussed on one of the 20 other threads, it will be interesting to see how the antibodies compare in type and quantities.

I hear you on things being misleading at the onset. I don’t buy into every govt institution is in on some Illuminati driven agenda so that’s where we divert.
I've tried to stay away from these discussions because I have a daughter refusing to take the vax but all I can say is I'd hate to be lying on the table with a tube down my throat knowing that a simple shot I didn't take may have prevented this. Watching someone die while they are unable to breathe is something you will never forget. Plus it may start costing folks money.
The jab won’s save you from catching Covid or dying. Did you read the stats previously posted.

The CDC's data shows that 99.999% of Americans under 18 are *not* hospitalized for COVID.

That goes for 99.995% of adults 18 to 49; 99.993% age 50 to 64; and 99.99% of seniors.

Wow! I trust the CDC!
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Serious question for LSA and all the others pushing the vaccine so ardently.

Why do you want so badly for ME to get the vaccine?

  • Many of you have a deep dislike for everything I believe, so in extension have a dislike for me.
  • If YOU have had the vaccine #1, #2 and a booster, it doesn't keep YOU from getting COVID.
  • If YOU have had the vaccines it doesn't keep you from transmitting COVID.
  • IF I get the vaccine #1, #2 and a booster, it doesn't keep ME from getting COVID
  • If I get the vaccine it doesn't prevent me from transmitting COVID to you.
I understand what your perceived benefits are for me if I get the vaccine. I may not get as sick and die.

What are the benefits for you if I do get the vaccine? It won't eradicate the disease.

AGAIN - Why do you want so badly for ME to get the vaccine?

Anecdotally (because it's been pointed out numerous times on this board that anyone who decides not to get the vaccine is because they are relying on anecdotal evidence) every case of COVID is different. So in anecdotal reasoning (since I am not allowed to use facts), if I get the vaccine and then get COVID, IT MAY NOT BE AS BAD as it would have been if I did not get the vaccine but contracted COVID. But also, I may have only had a mild case anyway. No one knows. Anecdotally, of course.

So, other than the government and all the government sponsored agencies telling us that we must get vaccinated in order to defeat this pandemic, although the government's anecdotal evidence is contrary, why do you so desperately need ME to get this vaccine?

I seriously want to know.

this is a fair question. I will admit that delta has thrown a sizable wrench into the pandemic since the virus has mutated to cause transmission even in those vaccinated.

I still want you to be vaccinated because it lower the chance you having a severe reaction to covid and needing hospitalization.

avoiding hospitalization helps in two ways. 1) you aren’t in the hospital, this is great for you and 2) you aren’t taking a hospital bed, this is great for everyone.

currently in my hospital in Oregon we have 25 covid patients, 23 are unvaccinated and 2 have been (92% vs 8%).

We literally had a patient flown in from the Bay Area this week for treatment of a heart attack bc none of the hospitals down there had enough beds. By keeping you out of the hospital with the vaccine we allow for someone experiencing chest pain in an urgent care to quickly be transferred to a center that can treat them.

is the vaccine a complete 100% cure, sadly no but I think it still plays a major role in helping relieve the stress on the healthcare system during this pandemic
this is a fair question. I will admit that delta has thrown a sizable wrench into the pandemic since the virus has mutated to cause transmission even in those vaccinated.

I still want you to be vaccinated because it lower the chance you having a severe reaction to covid and needing hospitalization.

avoiding hospitalization helps in two ways. 1) you aren’t in the hospital, this is great for you and 2) you aren’t taking a hospital bed, this is great for everyone.

currently in my hospital in Oregon we have 25 covid patients, 23 are unvaccinated and 2 have been (92% vs 8%).

We literally had a patient flown in from the Bay Area this week for treatment of a heart attack bc none of the hospitals down there had enough beds. By keeping you out of the hospital with the vaccine we allow for someone experiencing chest pain in an urgent care to quickly be transferred to a center that can treat them.

is the vaccine a complete 100% cure, sadly no but I think it still plays a major role in helping relieve the stress on the healthcare system during this pandemic
this is a fair question. I will admit that delta has thrown a sizable wrench into the pandemic since the virus has mutated to cause transmission even in those vaccinated.

I still want you to be vaccinated because it lower the chance you having a severe reaction to covid and needing hospitalization.

avoiding hospitalization helps in two ways. 1) you aren’t in the hospital, this is great for you and 2) you aren’t taking a hospital bed, this is great for everyone.

currently in my hospital in Oregon we have 25 covid patients, 23 are unvaccinated and 2 have been (92% vs 8%).

We literally had a patient flown in from the Bay Area this week for treatment of a heart attack bc none of the hospitals down there had enough beds. By keeping you out of the hospital with the vaccine we allow for someone experiencing chest pain in an urgent care to quickly be transferred to a center that can treat them.

is the vaccine a complete 100% cure, sadly no but I think it still plays a major role in helping relieve the stress on the healthcare system during this pandemic

Good post.
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Good post.
Again why is the vaccine folks only rebuttal is fear. Why not look at other options instead. Ivermectin works safely but true info about is suppressed. If even both are equally effective you’d still keep it political.
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Again why is the vaccine folks only rebuttal is fear. Why not look at other options instead. Ivermectin works safely but true info about is suppressed. If even both are equally effective you’d still keep it political.

I don’t view his post as fear. He’s stating facts from the actual hospital he works at while conceding that the vaccine hasn’t been the perfect solution that most of us had hoped for. Not sure what else you’d like to see from someone that’s a proponent of the vaccine. I thought it was a very good post that made a good argument for getting the shot while acknowledging that there has been some weakness with it. There was nothing condescending about it and he was pretty straightforward.
this is a fair question. I will admit that delta has thrown a sizable wrench into the pandemic since the virus has mutated to cause transmission even in those vaccinated.

I still want you to be vaccinated because it lower the chance you having a severe reaction to covid and needing hospitalization.

avoiding hospitalization helps in two ways. 1) you aren’t in the hospital, this is great for you and 2) you aren’t taking a hospital bed, this is great for everyone.

currently in my hospital in Oregon we have 25 covid patients, 23 are unvaccinated and 2 have been (92% vs 8%).

We literally had a patient flown in from the Bay Area this week for treatment of a heart attack bc none of the hospitals down there had enough beds. By keeping you out of the hospital with the vaccine we allow for someone experiencing chest pain in an urgent care to quickly be transferred to a center that can treat them.

is the vaccine a complete 100% cure, sadly no but I think it still plays a major role in helping relieve the stress on the healthcare system during this pandemic
I appreciate your candid response.
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The lack of trusting basic, commonly accepted science is the entirety of my take on this. It causes so many downstream issues. Look what the normalization of the term fake news has turned into?

My frustration over these yahoos starting another Covid outbreak is weighing heavily on the commentary. Your point is well taken on the ability to move the needle.

The outbreak has happened all over the place. Highly vaccinated, masked. The outbreak will happen. You’ve been told it’s because of unvaccinated trump tards and that makes you happy to know you’re morally superior to someone because you’re a good little boy and followed all the rules. Govern me harder daddy. Israel is the place you want to emulate and they had an outbreak. Hawaii is highly vaccinated and has universal mask mandates and they had an outbreak. Viruses will spread. We can help our own outcomes with certain measures including vaccines, not being obese, staying at home if you're scared and many other things. Very few people are dying from taking ivermectin if at all. Maybe it’s foolish. Maybe not. Again, you might have 100% trust in our institutions but many don’t. If even .5% of people were dying from this everyone would be lining up for the vaccine because the odds aren’t that great. Currently under 70, the odds are good you won’t be hospitalized, you’ll feel like shit and have a natural immunity to it. Again, I’m vaccinated. I think it helps and probably helps to slow the spread though obviously it still does considering how many vaccinated people still get it (Abbott, Jesse Jackson). IT WILL NEVER GET TO ZERO. Manage your own risk.
Good post.

I thought the Bay Area was fully masked and vaccinated? Lots of Trumpsters in the Bay Area? See this is why this political shit falls apart under scrutiny. Lots of people are not getting vaccinated and they’re not all the guys we want to get sick so we feel morally superior to them and can say “I told you so”.
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I thought the Bay Area was fully masked and vaccinated? Lots of Trumpsters in the Bay Area? See this is why this political shit falls apart under scrutiny. Lots of people are not getting vaccinated and they’re not all the guys we want to get sick so we feel morally superior to them and can say “I told you so”.

And yes it was an informative post
The outbreak has happened all over the place. Highly vaccinated, masked. The outbreak will happen. You’ve been told it’s because of unvaccinated trump tards and that makes you happy to know you’re morally superior to someone because you’re a good little boy and followed all the rules. Govern me harder daddy. Israel is the place you want to emulate and they had an outbreak. Hawaii is highly vaccinated and has universal mask mandates and they had an outbreak. Viruses will spread. We can help our own outcomes with certain measures including vaccines, not being obese, staying at home if you're scared and many other things. Very few people are dying from taking ivermectin if at all. Maybe it’s foolish. Maybe not. Again, you might have 100% trust in our institutions but many don’t. If even .5% of people were dying from this everyone would be lining up for the vaccine because the odds aren’t that great. Currently under 70, the odds are good you won’t be hospitalized, you’ll feel like shit and have a natural immunity to it. Again, I’m vaccinated. I think it helps and probably helps to slow the spread though obviously it still does considering how many vaccinated people still get it (Abbott, Jesse Jackson). IT WILL NEVER GET TO ZERO. Manage your own risk.
A lot to unpack here. Think this thread has run it’s course.

I think we are all closer to on the same page than not. I just don’t think trusting scientists and doctors at our institutions is a bad thing. That’s my point in this thread.
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A lot to unpack here. Think this thread has run it’s course.

I think we are all closer to on the same page than not. I just don’t think trusting scientists and doctors at our institutions is a bad thing. That’s my point in this thread.
agree. There are sheep and then there are sheep dogs. It's clear what group you are in. You are welcome.
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The lack of trusting basic, commonly accepted science is the entirety of my take on this. It causes so many downstream issues. Look what the normalization of the term fake news has turned into?

My frustration over these yahoos starting another Covid outbreak is weighing heavily on the commentary. Your point is well taken on the ability to move the needle.

“Trusting basic, commonly accepted science”?

You realize the government allowed and the public accepted advertisements with doctors stating that cigarettes “help soothe that morning cough”.

Our history is littered with commonly accepted science that was ineffective, and in many instances harmful.

Additionally, many effective treatments were discovered through observation and anecdotal evidence, which led to open-minded clinical studies.

But much of that was prior to big Pharma running the CDC and FDA.
“Trusting basic, commonly accepted science”?

You realize the government allowed and the public accepted advertisements with doctors stating that cigarettes “help soothe that morning cough”.

Our history is littered with commonly accepted science that was ineffective, and in many instances harmful.

Additionally, many effective treatments were discovered through observation and anecdotal evidence, which led to open-minded clinical studies.

But much of that was prior to big Pharma running the CDC and FDA.
And didn’t the CDC fund the testing of the virus?
Wow...this is a very interesting senate hearing about various covid medical treatments from the experts. Sadly the guys who are screaming about science will not watch this. I took the vaccine but we should be open to all promising treatments.
I watched it and tapped out when he said you won’t get Covid if you take ivermectin as a prophylactic. We know that isn’t true
I watched it and tapped out when he said you won’t get Covid if you take ivermectin as a prophylactic. We know that isn’t true
We also know it’s true you can still get the virus if you take the vaccine. I know people who have had the vaccine and died from Covid.
A lot to unpack here. Think this thread has run it’s course.

I think we are all closer to on the same page than not. I just don’t think trusting scientists and doctors at our institutions is a bad thing. That’s my point in this thread.

The FDA is a gov’t agency, under the authority of the Dept Health & Human Services, the commissioners are appointed by the administration in power & are under gov’t orders. The FDA IS NOT an independent safety monitoring board governed by ethics & scientific merit. Remember this. Not only that but many who worked at Monsanto previously,(or other big pharma companies), then get high level jobs at the FDA & “approve” things much faster, for those said companies.

These things cause distrust whether or not they are working in earnest.

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