On Vacation with My Tennessee family-MCWS related

In England on the back end of a great vacation. We fly back to DFW on Monday. With my wife and her mom and dad (awesome in-laws). They are all born and raised in Tennessee. They would pull for the good guys against any team……..except the Vols. The are rabid fans. 😜

We’re all being respectful about the finals with each other, but God almighty, the Ags need to win it all!

Omaha CWS - Story #1

Game 3 on Saturday. I arrived at the ballpark in the 4th inning for the Kentucky vs North Carolina State game. By the time I got to the left field concourse area it was the top of the 5th with Kentucky leading the Wolfpack 3 - 1.

I stood just behind the general admission bench seating on the concourse. In front of me were two couples. To my left was a Kentucky couple. Both dressed in Kentucky blue from head to toe ( Big Blue Man and Woman ). To my right was a couple that looked totally out of place in Omaha ( Hippie Dude and Chick ). They looked like they should be in California or at a Woodstock concert. Dude was in sandals, cargo shorts and tie-dyed t-shirt and a ponytail. Chick had on a flowered spring dress, sandals, tats on her arms and random braids in her hair. No team affiliation detected.

For two innings I stood behind them and listened to Big Blue Woman talk nonstop about Kentucky and their season. She was trying to
“ educate “ the hippie couple on baseball. Hippie couple sat there quietly the entire time and said very little. It was obvious from their demeanor that they had no dog in the fight. Both men were into the game and had no desire for conversation.

In the top of the 7th and Kentucky still up 3 - 1, North Carolina State was batting with a man on base and two outs. When there was two strikes on the batter, Big Blue Man stands up and starts clapping. He starts talking about

“ sitting this clown down “ and getting to the bottom of the 7th.

It was then that North Carolina State hit a two run bomb to tie the game. Big Blue Man stood there speechless with his head clasped in his hands. Big Blue Woman, turns to Hippie Woman and in a deflated tone said,

“ Can you believe that just happened? “.

Hippie Chick just smiles. Hippie Dude jumps up and for the first time he speaks. He turns to Big Blue Man and Woman and says,
“ Yes I can believe that. We’ve been doing that all year. Go Wolf Pack!“

He and Hippie Chick then bump fists and do the drop the microphone gesture.

Hippie Dude looks at Hippie Chick and says,

“ That was awesome, I’m going to go get us a beer “.

As Hippie Dude walks by me we fist dump and I tell him that whole interaction with Big Blue Couple the past two innings was awesome.
