Mark, Recruits at the game.

I exit Kyle down the isle where the recruits sit. There were 2 very large guys sitting there. I was told that they were highly rated DL. They looked as board as board can look. The end of the game could not have come soon enough for them. An Ag walking out behind me was livid as I was after seeing their disinterest. Any idea who they were so I can scratch them off my wish list?

Who ruined this season?

Everyone blaming Jimbo for this disappointing season should at least consider where this team might have been if a whole passel of star junior football players had not jumped to the NFL at the end of last season. Last update I have seen about Ags in the NFL, none of those guys are setting the world on fire. They would have been smarter to return for their senior seasons. By leaving early they let down their team, coaches, student body, and alumni. The 12th man should remember these guys as very dedicated and talented team members right up to the time they deserted their posts. Perhaps their records should be annotated with an asterisk. I am AGinvolcountry, class of 1973. In my day, none of the Aggie juniors jumped early to the NFL.
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Interesting story if true about a catcher committed to TAMU but never made it there....

Borrowed........His name is .........Evan Gattis. He is the DH for the World Champion Houston Astros. His tears are different tears. He was one of the highest rated catchers in the country coming out of high school. He signed on to catch for Texas A&M. He never made it to College Station because of his deeply embedded anxiety issues. Those issues led him to substance abuse. He quit baseball. At one point in his life he was homeless in New York City & begging for food. Through a friend, he got himself into a treatment center in California. He found himself. He found his love for baseball while he was there. Through another friend, he found a small college that gave him a shot to catch for them. 10 years later, through the love of his friends, family and treatment, Evan Gattis is a World Series Champion. I told you his tears were different.

They had a pic of him hugging and crying another player......

Conner Question

Maybe I missed it, I seem to have less enthusiasm which translates to less time on AYell.

So, CW is the future. I don’t see anything that would dissuade me here ( but, of course, I am but a simple man, not a head footballist, like Jimbo)

Is there an argument to keep CWs redshirt in place, (is that an option at this point?) in hopes we can get a couple years with a good team - or toss him out there like raw meat for a den of starving, ravenous tigers (twice)
