Is Alabama as disappointed in their season as much as the Aggies?

Is not being considered for the playoffs as big a disappointment as the terrible season we are having?

If we win out, is our season more disappointing to our fans compared to Alabama winning out and going to a second tier bowl?

I'm guessing the Alabama faithful are very disappointed, especially with a returning Heisman QB and already losing 2 games. We could have beat them which would have made 3 losses with 3 to play????

I think Aggie Fans should be more disappointed, but Alabama may not be far behind. ???

On this day -Veterans Day

To my fellow veterans - My thanks for your service and a job well done.

I do appreciate the thank you sentiment given to me but I did not serve for the thanks. I did it with a sense of duty to this country and to honor my father, himself a 29 year veteran (retired as a Command Sergeant Major E9) who served from WW2 to Korea to Vietnam. After he passed away i was going through his stuff and found a very surprising item - he was awarded a Bronze Star which I proudly display in my house.. He never spoke about it or how he earned it. The Korean War must have been its own kind of hell.

UIL Strips Duncanville of Basketball State Title

These are always so odd to me, you can't unplay the game and nobody will remember this.

Don't know much about the story but apparently they ruled that the kid moved for athletics, which is probably true.

How did we get here and how do we get out

Serious question to Mark etc- How did we fall to such low depths- it can't all be just injuries and bad luck;
and how do we turn it around:
First- discussing firing Jimbo is a waste of time - not happening for next 2 yrs regardless of results (unless does something for cause?"
Second- like or hate Jimbo- he's not stupid- I think he's as smart as any coach in the country and he wants to win- How did this slip through his fingers and what concrete definite steps will he make to fix it- not coachspeak "coach 'em up better" and execute better"- but tangible immediate changes - to staff, roster, play calls, and try to save our recruits and the freshman class; They all say Jimbo is stubborn, but so is Saban, so was Tom Landry, Bear Brysant, etc -but they all adjust and adapt- Jimbo will to - but how

George Soros funding political candidates

It's amazing how many people are so ignorant to the fact of how much Soros funds left wing soft on criminal District Attorneys. As per the article, he has given billions to his left wing pet projects that includes funding the DAs with hundreds of millions funneled through various groups and charities. He just got the left wing DAs elected in Austin, Bexar County, Dallas, etc so watch yourself if you live in these locations. It must be nice to be a rich liberal elitist where you can live in a secure gated home and your own private security while the regular people suffer.

Is this the biggest game of Jimbo’s career?

A little early in the week here, apologies to @Dean Mortimer but I have to ask this question.

Everything might be on the line for Jimbo this weekend. Bowl eligibility, his job, maybe even his legacy.

If we lose to Auburn we will not be bowl eligible and it virtually guarantees a 4-8 season. Is that embarrassing enough to push our AD and money guys to do the unthinkable?

On the flip side a victory could be a springboard possibly leading to a 4 game winning streak to salvage what is left of the season and restoring hope for the future of the program.

Will SEC Shorts feature Hope or Despair on Monday?

Life or death for our season, the future of our program, and Jimbo’s legacy will all be decided at Jordan-Hare this Saturday at 6:30 PM.


I think things are about to get real interesting at Alabama.

No SEC Championship game to play in and definitely no shot at the CFP.

They are going to draw a bowl game well below their pedigree. If they find themselves in a bowl game they’re not happy to be in and get an opponent that’s actually happy to be there… oh boy.

Mix in some Bama players opting out and we could get some epic sound bites from Nick and the excuses from Pawl and his followers will definitely be on my loop in my showroom.

Who are we hearing for OC or OL?

What’s the word on the OC hire and OL hire? Only 3 games left, any rumors?

I think Achane and Smith come back for one more year. Even if they don’t, with our current guys:
Conner at QB
A lot of OL talent. Need to coach them up.

This offense could easily be just as good as Tennessee’s this year scoring 40+ game with a good innovative OC and a new OL coach that can develop.

Usually I’m pessimistic, but damn we could go 10+ wins next season just with a badass offense. We have the talent there.

We have a ton of talent on defense but they are young right now. Need some better LBs.
Unfortunately I don’t see Durkin being canned but what a shitty hire last season.
