Sugar Bowl

I’m making my way too early to call predictions:

Texas A&M vs. Texas aka Big Whatever champion

Let’s face it Bama at home is a tough place to win, not impossible, but we also don’t have JFF.

Ags go 11-1 or 10-2.

Texas gets crushed by Bama, but beats OU in the cotton bowl and beats either Ok State/Baylor for the big britches conference championship.

tU hypocrites go 10-2

Ags beat tU 42-24


Ohio State
Norte Dame Fuchs us again

Worst Aggie weather games

What is the worst weather you've experienced specifically for an AGGIE game?

Today was the worst for me and we played like shît to boot. We did stay to the final snap. 40 degrees and raining all game. I've been to cold games and wet games but never one quite this cold and wet. The Kyler Auburn game is the closest I can think of as far as cold and wet (and that was my oldest son's first game).

At one point in the first half I stood up and my legs were so numb I had trouble walking down the stairs. Feet were numb all game and the walk to the car was rough. Drove half way home barefoot which is something I never ever do. Even though I warned my 13 year old son repeatedly he didn't wear enough layers so in the 3rd quarter I had to give him one of my jackets which made it even colder. Credit to my two oldest boys and my niece as they stuck it out with me, although my 10 year old did spend most of the 2nd half making friends with the elevator attendant.

I would still do it again because it's just what we do but I would try to plan even better.

Curious to hear what everybody else has as their worst Aggie game weather-wise.

Crazy Football Statistic

This past weekend, all 3 service academies played football games. Army, Navy, and the Air Force Academy.

Combined, they threw a total of 4 passes between them. ZERO completions. And..........they all won.

Army was 0-1 in passing and beat UConn 34-17

Navy was 0-1 in passing and beat #25 UCF 17-14

Air Force 0-2 in passing and beat CSU 24-12

Can't make this shit up.

Recruiting Johnny Bowens Set to announce commitment tomorrow - Thanksgiving

Converse Judson 4-star DE Johnny Bowens Will be announcing his college decision/committing on Thanksgiving day.

Link to profile page: Bowens Profile

It has pretty much been down to A&M and Oregon. Going back to early summer Bowens has been A&M, Oregon, A&M, Oregon as far as visits pretty much go. The Aggies have close to home advantage working for them…
