Six Places Around Texas This Chick Would Take You If She Hated You


I don’t know her but I feel personally attacked.

Here are six places around the state I would bring you if I absolutely loathed you.

Sixth Street on a busy Saturday night in Austin, TX.​

Experiencing the state capital is a must-do when visiting the Lone Star State, and so many tourists are inclined to head to the bars of the infamous spread of "Dirty Sixth" Street.
While, yes, I've had some fun times at the bars on the street, there is nothing more suffocating than walking that street on a busy Saturday night filled with drunken patrons, beaming travelers, and Californians who probably just moved here.
There's also literally something strange always happening, like people jumping on cars and groups of Spidermen romping around.

The DFW cesspool of cheating and infidelity.​

Last year, the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex was found to have some of the most unfaithful people in the entire country.
So, I would bring my enemy to this drama-filled city where chances are, whomever you date, you can expect a TikTok to be made about you asking if you are a cheater in a relationship or not.

The Madisonville Buc-cee's during rush hour.​

This is very specific, but those who have road tripped between Houston and Dallas know what I mean.
We Texans love our mega convenience stores, but visiting one particular location on a busy thoroughfare at the height of traffic makes for an overwhelming experience where everyone packs into the Buc-cee's like sardines.
You hardly have the brainpan to decide whether you want beaver nuggets or an ICEE, and I think it's so tragic.

East Texas in the height of summer.​

Texas summers are unbearable, but more so in the gnarly swampy areas of East Texas.
I'd drop people I don’t like off for a hike in the Sabine National Forest in the middle of July, where they are sure to be devoured by mosquitos and smothered in sweat by the sticky humidity.

College Station. Or, rather, "Aggieland."​

My Texas A&M University alumni sister and friends might hate me for this, but experiencing their town can be pretty gobsmackingly jarring to many visitors. It always was for me.
The giant college town is full of ultra-proud Aggies and so many traditions that it's like its own cult-ish world where, if you're not a part of it, you feel like an alien from another planet.

Brownsville, TX. The worst place in Texas for dating.​

My enemy visitors better hope they aren't looking for love because a stop in Brownsville, TX will bring you to one of the worst places to find a boo in the United States, a study recently round.
There are really just not a lot of date night spots here, or even single Brownsvillians to go on dates with.

Off Season Thread

I fell down an interesting rabbit hole of distinguished Aggie alumnus. Frank Malina, Mechanical Engineering- class of 1934. Any one heard of this guy? Dudes probably one of our most accomplished alumni yet yesterday was the first time I've heard his name. Co-Founder of Jet Propulsion Lab, and responsible for the first rocket into space. But our boy had a dark side, member of the communist party, indicted on espionage charges (never convicted because he bolted for Paris), connected to Alister Crowley. Oh and his son is Roger Malina, husband to Christine Maxwell, who is Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein's side kick) sister.

I was a Finance major so you Physics and Engineering majors might know him well.


Petrino and the ingredients of great play calling

What makes great or even good play caller?! I've often wondered about this very topic. I've had a lot of reason to do so because sadly I'm a lifelong Chicago Bears fan (Thanks, Dad.... #1 Pick, Baby! Don't worry, we'll screw it up, but I digress...). But back to our original conversation. In identifying who I consider great play callers, I see a number of common traits and I'm convinced Petrino has all of them. This leads to my cautious optimism and confidence in our offense for next year. Without further ado...

1. Personnel Understanding 512 - I'll never be one to say one to say "he's a born play caller." I don't think that person exists. I do believe there are people better wired to call plays, but I'm still convinced it takes years and years of practice to refine the skill. What about first year OCs like Riley, you say? Does everyone here not believe that Riley and other young OCs have spent years watching, absorbing and mimicking other coaches in preparation for their "turn?!" I certainly think they have. With that, good play calling calls for a deep understanding of your players' capabilities. It is football graduate work. Play callers have to put in the time and study to see what their "students" can and cannot do on a football field. This is a skill Petrino excels at. Look at just the types of QBs he has developed. Ryan Mallet. Tyler Wilson. Lamar Jackson. These guys could all be from three different planets and yet Petrino "understood" all three . He adjusted his play calling to each one accordingly. Petrino has never had some many toys in the toy box as he does with us (insert obligatory volleyball player turned staffer joke here). It might take him a minute to adjust. But when he realizes he has Buzz Lightyear, Sheriff Woody and all the Army Guys on his team, Watch Out!

2. Stubbornly Adaptable - It was difficult for me personally to watch Jimbo struggle with consistent play calling last year. I don't think he forgot everything he learned and filed away about calling plays in one year. I can make a case Jimbo plainly just got "distracted" from his play calling duties (insert second obligatory volleyball player turned staffer joke here). Can't fault him with everything that went on, though when the buck stops with you, you are responsible. For play calling, I think his situation cost him one edge an OC simply cannot lose...unpredictability. Unpredictability is the hallmark of any great play caller. Run it or throw it where they're not or where we have more guys. Have to have it. Non negotiable.

When I can sit at home watching the game and know what play's coming next, I can assure you that smarter guys than me across the field know it, too. Adapting on the fly is what great OCs do and yet sometimes adaptability is doing the same thing that's been working all game. I've reminded y'all of the painful comeback win Petrino (at Arkansas) put on us calling the same damn deep in route over and over in the 2nd half in 2011. Saw it, called it, stuck with it, won the game. Stubbornly Adaptable.

3. Lose the ego (at least a little) - Football, boiled down to its essence, is the ultimate game of matchups. It's me saying I can beat you mentally and physically over the course of three plus hours. Don't give me basketball. That's only five guys. This is 11 on 11, with one on one battles of attrition every play, just ask the guys playing against David Hicks (Keep'em comin', Mark!). It's also the ultimate game of strategy and wits, and therein my fellow Ags, lies the greatest trap for play callers...having to be the smartest guy on the field. Dick Butkus was famously quoted as saying, "If I was smart enough to be a doctor, I'd be a doctor. I ain't, so I'm a football player." Even great OCs can get caught trying to become doctors in one day on a Saturday afternoon. It's understandable. These guys are used to success, used to winning the battle of wits with the DC on the other to play, series to series, game to game. It's hard to be humble. Humility, I wouldn't say from watching the guy, is one of Petrino's biggest personal traits. That said, he has to be humble as a play caller. You have to assume the other guy is just as smart as you and you have to adjust accordingly. I believe Petrino has been humbled at Missouri State. His hunger to be successful again is going to to help him pack away that ego just enough. That'll get him back to being the outstanding OC we know he can be....

4. Play Callers are Closers - Someone, anyone, I need some coffee so I can close this deal and this post! Do I have to say his name or mention the opponent?!... okay, grrrr...Noel Mazzone, UCLA.... Okay, y'all can stop gagging now. Trust me, no one here wants us to throw 70 points all down the chinstraps of everyone we play next year and I do think we'll get near at least once. But our OC has know when to take the money and leave the table.

Petrino's previous teams have always run the ball. Sometimes he does when defenses dictate those calls. Sometimes when it's just the smart play to run clock. He's going to be tempted to throw it around Kyle, by Weigman, and by all the weapons outside. That's fine. We score. We score more. That's fine. But, when it's time to close, close. On this matter, I think he an Jimbo will be aligned in thought. After all, it's both their butts on the line to make this work.

If the fans in Tuscaloosa, Knoxville, and Baton Rouge are going to use it as a joke on Bobby and Us, I'm going to turn it into a positive...

Gig'em & Let's Ride!!!

If The Pandemic Returns In Full Force Like In 2020

Should we conduct National Disaster Planning? I ask this because COVID is unpredictable. Army North at Ft Sam Houston will ramp up planning and operations just in case the DOD will be tagged for National Disaster tasks. It did so in 2020. Otherwise, I am going to be mum about this topic in regard to opinions. I might make statements about what the country has in place in regard to National Disaster Planning and National Pandemic Planning.

Won thing for Wednesday

Monday has your thoughts

Tuesday has ten things

Thursday has lame questions with lame answers which makes us hungry for Friday's TIDBITS.

Wednesday is a hump day, which is supposed to make us feel better about half the week behind us, but days grow longer after the passing of each day, so it's not even halfway home, unless of course you leave early on Friday, which is only diluted by taking work home for the weekend. But I digress.


Won thing! A single piece of winning news. Something of a stepping stone to get us from the slogging through of Monday to Tuesday to the Happy Hour optimism of Thursday and Friday.

For me, that WON thing would be Anias Smith returning. For some of you, it's a good bowel movement or an afternoon nap at your desk. I respect that.

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  • Poll
Petrino's "Feed Your Stars" Approach

Who is Petrino most likely to feature in the offense next year?

  • Evan Stewart

    Votes: 128 81.0%
  • Moose Muhammad

    Votes: 60 38.0%
  • Noah Thomas

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Amari Daniels

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Le'veon Moss

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Reuben Owens

    Votes: 21 13.3%
  • Theo Melin Ohstrom

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Jake Johnson

    Votes: 8 5.1%
  • Donovan Green

    Votes: 38 24.1%
  • Someone not listed above

    Votes: 11 7.0%

If people can do "Way too early" team rankings for season, why can't I do a "Way too early" poll about who Petrino will feature in the offense next year?! I intentionally left Conner Weigman off the poll answers because the QB touches the ball every play thus he will be spotlighted enough just because of that. So, give me your top 3 guys you think are going to get the ball the most when Petrino sorts things out....

Note - I listed Owens, because of all the fish coming in, I think he has the best chance to possibly start.
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