***A&M-Auburn game thread***

Injury updates:
Antonio Johnson is in. Donovan Green is out. So are Devon Achane and Chase Lane. Waiting for word on a few other guys.
Weigman will start, and Stowers looks like he's the primary backup. King is dressed and warming, but I don't think they want to use him if they can avoid it.

Your running backs are three: Moss, Daniels and Crownover. I don't care what Jimbo has said, I'm pretty sure LJ Johnson will never suit up for A&M again.
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Conspiracy theories anyone?

I for one refuse to believe the players are this bad. I doubt a high performing high school team could be this bad but yet here we are. Someone already mentioned, Jimbo is trying to get fired, or maybe a case of blackmail that would threaten his guaranteed contract. How about the sips are already padding the pockets of the SEC to sink our program before 2025? I have a hard time accepting the program has fallen apart this quickly without some external factor. What ya think?

Aggie Hoops Thoughts

Two games in this team appears far more competent than last year’s and more ready to play. There are some things to work out with rotations and taking care of the ball but they seem on the same page defensively and more intentional on offense,

Player Thoughts:
Wade Taylor seems to be the most competent scorer at this point. He’s shooting lights out and is taking care of the ball better.

Tyrece Radford is expected to the be the guy on offense. He gets to the line and can get to the hoop. He’s been less assertive overall but last night when the Ags needed a bucket he drove and picked up an and one to push the lead up.

Dexter Dennis is a great defender. I’ve been impressed with his three point shooting to this point.

Manny Obaseki looks like the same player. He will have some games where he’s unstoppable but overall I don’t see much change to this point.

Henry Coleman works his ass off and generates points off that. He does look a little sloppy catching the ball and has been stripped or blocked more than I’d like.

Solomon Washington is young and seems to be finding his way. I think he will be good but right now it’s a little bit of a mess. Bad fouls, pressing on offense. Do think he will be really good.

Hugh Hefner has improved greatly. His shot looks good. His offensive game looks very much improved. You can tell he worked a lot in the off-season. Still too skinny.

Julius Marble is tough post who can hit the mid range bumper and has good moves 15 feet in. He is a guy the Aggies might lean on down the stretch of a close game.

Andersson Garcia is a long defender. Not as springy as I’d hope and picks up bad fouls trying to do too much. Still he’s very active and works hard so hard to be too critical.

KK Robinson has some athleticism and talent. He’s sloppy with the ball and not the best decision maker. Can get to the FT line. If he can tighten his game up he could really contribute.

Andre Gordon seems Ike the odd man out. Been with the program forever. I’m sure he’s a great guy and a team leader. Just not sure he should be in the floor much.

Javonte Brown- five fouls if you need them.

Biggest strengths- team cohesiveness, culture, depth.

Biggest weakness- no bona fide star to carry you when your team is off. Wade Taylor may be getting there but if his shot is off then what? Radford needs to that guy I’m thinking.

Jimbo must go

Forget the buyout.
No coach recovers from this type of season in year 5.
I originally thought to keep him around until the recruiting went away, well that's now happening.
Only 25% is due off the top - that's $21.5 M - same Auburn paid to can Malzahn. I think we're at the point where this can't be accepted any longer.

This is not going to get better and is going to get worse. He's clearly not the guy and he's shown that this year. Nevermind the excuses, he has mismanaged almost everything this year and he has been given everything he asked for. There is simply no excuse for 3-6.

Maybe if we get a promising hire on board we can salvage the last class and this upcoming one, but I don't see how we do that with Jimbo still in charge.
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Jimbo MUST get fired

His only excuse is if he has given up any involvement in the O and has been letting different coaches give it a try each game until seasons end when they get a stud. Otherwise you CAN’T be this bad without trying. It’s not effort. It’s scheme.
And I don’t want to hear about the cost. No BMAs needed. None. This athletic dept gets hundreds of millions in tv, tix, and donations every year. His buy out is nothing if we can win. Do it. It’s sad. He fit so well. Really hoped he was “the one”. He’s not. Door, meet Jimbo.
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