A book that ALL should read...

Danger Close by Patrick Byrne. Just finished it and WOW...if all he tells is true.

Now, PLEASE do not turn this into a political thread because my recommending this book has no intentions of altering anyone's political views whatsoever. So please...for you political nuts that love debating politics, DON'T GO THERE. Seriously, no matter what your views are, this is a must read for all Americans. If these things are true and we'll know "fairly soon" then it won't matter which side of the aisle you prefer, you're going to be floored. This is why I say ALL Americans need to read. If none of this turns out to be true, then you'll have read one of the best fiction books ever. So please don't ruin it by posting anything political. PLEASE.

Patrick Byrne was the key figure in discovering and bringing the corruption on Wall Street to light after the 2008 market crash. He actually discovered it several years before anyone took him serious but after the crash and things happened the way he said they would, people in power started listening to him and respecting his knowledge AND intelligence. He would later be "asked" by those two "3-letter agencies" to become an "operative" for them to set up people in power in compromising situations to later be used for leverage, bribery and blackmail. Now he's turned over evidence that is going to come out to the public soon...stuff that's not already mentioned in this book. We'll see if that happens and also if all that's in the book is factual...but let's just say the stories in this book are more than least to me. Some BIG names in here.

Can buy on Amazon. I paid around $17.00 for mine.


Note on Riley Pettijohn

Over the past few days, with him at A&M for his official visit. I’ve contacted some people and wanted to get a good understanding where things are. Now, those sources believe A&M is the team trending, and that’s been brewing the last week or two. Nothing is over, and I’ve been told not to change my FutureCast out of respect. But, I do believe A&M is the leader in this recruitment.

It does make you wonder though…

How long it’s going to be before it happens or if it will ever happen?

I loved everything about this team and season, but it f’ing sucks we didn’t win the NC. It truly sucks ass.

I want to see our Ags hold the NC trophy in one of the big 3 at least once in my lifetime. I want it for our players, our university, and our former students.

Sorry, just venting Ags.

My Final Thoughts After The CWS

Not that anyone cares but here they are.
Staring out my hotel room right across from the stadium watching the hillbillies line up to take pictures in front of the CWS statue outside the main entrance hurts. Not denying it, but I am proud of our team for an amazing year.

My daughter as some of you know is a diamond darling, she is a senior so this was her last year, she bleeds maroon for Aggie baseball.
Being here with her working in the dugout 2 years ago, and here again this year is a memory I will cherish forever with her, and we will be back sooner rather than later!

Don’t pass up the opportunity to come to Omaha for the college World Series, it is truly an amazing experience.

Also baseball related, I think the Braden Montgomery injury finally ended up hurting us. Amazing job by the coaches and team, but we really missed his bat in the lineup.

Thinking about having him in the lineup and possibly Kaeden Kent full-time at second base… holy cow what a lineup. Just wasn’t meant to be this year, but I have never been more proud to be an Aggie, and we will be back in Omaha sooner than later! I truly believe that, and we will win this thing!

Also special thanks to Mark Passwaters and Neb for the incredible coverage. I had the pleasure to sit with Neb one game that was very cool.

This team

I'm old so I can remember a lot. The greatest Aggie athlete I ever saw was Curtis Mills. He was a really nice guy and very humble. He was also one of the best athletes on earth when he was at A&M. He loved to win races (who doesn't) but the most important thing to him was always that our team won the meet. He would give maximum effort in every race and there were times we literally had to carry him off the track. I've watched everyone from John Davis Crow to Johnny Football and I never saw anyone that could compete with Curtis in his desire to help the Aggies win. This is the biggest game with the most pressure these kids have ever played in and I doubt any of them are over 24 years old. They've had several key injuries and several players are playing hurt. But they refuse to give up. So I'm going to pay them the highest compliment I can. They remind me of Cutis Mills. God bless them.
