Good news / bad news - health update / lost a good Ag

I have been MIA for a bit as we are going through some stuff here (no divorce attorney recommendations needed).

MRI last week revealed stability, if not reduced “trouble” in the affected area. If you recall, 6 months ago I turned down onco’s recommendation for a chemo that required a very strict diet (no steak, cheese, avocados, among other foods I love to eat, F that!), and still the possibility I’d feel like sh*t. So I decided to kinda go with a more holistic route:

-Soursop (1 capsule 2x day)
-Black cumin seed oil (1 capsule 2x day)
-B17 (3 capsules 2x day)
-Apple cider vinegar (1 capsule daily)
-5 in 1 Elderberry (1 capsule daily with zinc, vitamin C & D3, ginger)

**NO artificial sugar, or extremely limited

-1,000iu Vitamin E gel capsules (2x daily)
-Spicy hot V-8 w/ a shot of extra virgin olive oil (high in polyphenols) & cayenne to take these herbal supplement capsules, just easier for me to swallow the capsules & I like the spicy better than the regular)

-Green tea, w/ ginger, turmeric, & black pepper, lemon & Ceylon cinnamon

-Lions mane powder in apple sauce

-I also eat blueberries(with other fruits and berries) most mornings for breakfast

-Prayers, lots of prayers!

-Turkey tail & MCT oil in my morning coffee with local honey w/ Ceylon cinnamon

*basically a lot of antioxidants and anti inflammatory stuff.

Bad news (NSIAP): we recently lost a good Ag. Somehow even in my small town, I didn’t hear about this until yesterday. HERE.

Covid 19/ vaccine

Can we discuss now in a more rational way with the information we have today? The World health organization now believes it came from the lab in China. It is well established the virus was in the US since 2019, yet the hospitals were not overflowing with sick people. I had two family members that were sick early 2020 both tested negative for the flu and strep but the Dr. Said they had the flu and treated them like they had the flu. Even with all the covid cases being called the flu it was a slow flu season. So what happened that made everyone get scared? Why are hospitals not overflowing today?
How did people believe a new vaccine was safer then ivermectin? Why are people still getting the vaccine when it is proven to be ineffective? Why do people still trust the CDC, and the FDA after they have been proven liars?

Conner Weigman being mentioned as an under the radar draft prospect

Let's finish with a quarterback who could take the leap. In nearly each of the past five years, a passer seemingly has come out of nowhere to land in Round 1. At least one NFL general manager says Weigman is that guy for 2025.

"I am telling you right now, Weigman will be the breakout quarterback this year," said a GM who has done advance work on this quarterback class. "He'll be the guy everyone is asking, 'Where'd he come from?' next spring."

The Texas A&M junior played in just four games last season before suffering a season-ending foot injury. In those four games, though, he was crisp with eight touchdown passes to two interceptions while throwing for 979 yards and completing 68.9% of his passes. The 6-foot-3, 215-pounder can also move outside the pocket and had two rushing scores.

Weigman has generated a lot of buzz in the NFL agent community, too, with many eager to see how he looks with a full season and with a new coaching staff, led by Mike Elko.

Jerrod Johnson tribute just found on youtube

For your older Aggies like myself. I did t know he got snubbed for heisman. Crazy that Ryan Tannihel was more successful in the NFL.

I worked at the Tap in CS and Jerrod didn’t drink. Reggie on the other hand spoke in 3rd person demanding not to pay for his tabs lol. I would yell back “I need to make rent MF’er”

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