Don't click if you weren't into New Wave/Post Punk in the 80's!

It's the offseason and always slow at the office on Friday afternoons. So I put on Chile's New Wave/Post Punk Playlist. After playing this catchy little tune, my office staff is cursing me big time! Don't think they liked it BUT it was "catchy" enough that they're saying, "F U RON, NOW I CAN'T GET THAT DAMN SONG OUT OF MY HEAD!" son hates me now. 😂😂😂

"I might like you better if we slept together...I might like you better if we slept together" ...that big girl could sing! 🥰

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Interesting "facts" about Petrino's receivers at previous schools

Now, as Mark has told us, listed heights and weights on rosters are about as accurate as eye witness accounts from 500 yards away at night in a driving rainstorm. That said, I did find it very enlightening going back and looking at who were Petrino's leading receivers at both Arkansas and Louisville. At Louisville in 2017, his most productive receivers were all listed at 6'2" and above (top 3 were all WRs, 4th was a TE). That was Jackson's Heisman year and one of the most explosive offenses he ever had. In comparison, at Arkansas, the tallest of the top receivers he had was 6'2".
His top 2 receivers were both sub 6 footers (3rd was a TE). His top guy a few of us may painfully remember from our game with the Hogs that year was Jarius Wright. His listed size?! 5'10" 190 lbs....

  • Poll
How many times have you been arrested?

How many times have you been arrested, and let us know how many days you were incarcerated?

  • Never

    Votes: 167 60.7%
  • Once

    Votes: 62 22.5%
  • Twice

    Votes: 20 7.3%
  • More than 3 - 5 times

    Votes: 19 6.9%
  • More than 5

    Votes: 4 1.5%
  • Only in a foreign country

    Votes: 5 1.8%

Having this discussion at work. How many times have you been arrested, and if you have, how long were you in jail for?

Stuck in Dallas (stupid ice storm related)

40 of us flew into Dallas for a corporate training event starting Monday and it hasn't stopped dropping ice. All of our flights were cancelled tonight, likely the same tomorrow. All stuck in an Embassy Suites near the airport.

Irony is that they switched this to Texas from our corporate office in St Paul to avoid the cold and potential delays.
