Sonny Dykes

I think he has moved to the top of head coaches I would seriously consider to replace Jimbo.
I still think Gus Malzhan, too, would be good. He beat Alabama three times. Recruiting at A&M would be easier than it was at Auburn.
Maybe. Just maybe. We might be able to get Dabo Sweeney away from Clemson. But, I think he would leave if St. Nick were to retire at Alabama.

Football All of the tweets concerning Moose (updated Monday 11:19am)

Just received a text that the sleeve became a rule after Calzada said it was the cause of two fumbles…I believe from all the tweets and messages that it is a very unclear situation still. Hopefully the press conference will shed light onto the situation.

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Dan Campbell

Y’all reckon we could get him away from Detroit? Talk about a guy that knows the culture. He’d have guys here wanting to be Aggies.

Even better is he’d probably bring Aaron Glenn with him. He could restore the Wrecking Crew as he was a part of it.

All that would be missing is an Aggie OC. I know Jerrod is coaching somewhere. Would he be ready for that role?

Wreaths Across America


I am a long time lurker on the site, but I enjoy all of the information for Mark.

I know there are a lot of Veterans on here (myself included) and last week we got to celebrated all Veterans. I am not sure if anyone is familiar with Wreaths Across America, but this is a way that we honor Veteran's that have passed. Wreaths Across America is a non-profit that sells wreaths that be placed at the headstones of all Veterans at the Houston National Cemetery. The wreaths we be laid at the gravesites on Dec. 17th at the Houston National Cemetery at 10410 Veterans Memorial Dr, Houston, TX 77038. Below is a link to a website if you want to learn more about the event.

My son's Boy Scout Troop participates in this event each year and sells the wreaths. If you would like to make a donation to this great cause, please see the link below to my son's fundraiser page.


Perspective, UVA

As much as I love TAMU and as mad as a get on Saturday's watching my Aggies lose. These 18-21 year old kids live under crazy amounts of pressure from the fans, media, and families. Many of them have never dealt with failure on the field, in the class room, or in relationships. They now have NIL money and transfer pressure from all sides to deal with.

I am not sure why the shooting at UVA has impacted more than most of these other mass shootings. Maybe because playing high school sports and understanding the bond that is made for a lifetime with my brothers on those teams. To have one turn on you like that really hurts today. Thanks for letting me vent. Call your college son/daughter today and do a quick check on them!!!

All this OC crap, We’ve already got a great one

Any of y’all ever look at Dickeys Memphis offensive performance and numbers when he was the man there ? It’s insanely good. Why does anyone believe that the Jimbo Fisher that saved Winston is now gonna save himself and the Aggies with a new OC ? He won’t give up the reigns, that’s a guarantee. He just isn’t a game day coach. Great recruiter, motivator, and speaker but dudes not the man under pressure and he seems like a Captain who will die with the ship, hit the iceberg and go down before changing course.

Transfers and this class....

So I got blasted for saying 15-20 transfer out and this class will continue to suffer if we don't make a change and quick. That change could be firing our OC and saying we are hiring one (yes I know Jimbo is the OC but fire Dickey and say we are hiring one), or firing Jimbo. Add Moose to the possible transfers and if we lose this week to UMass then it will grow exponentially.

I truly think we lose around 15 from the current team and then this class will be very very lucky to hold on to what its got. Go ahead blast away, but my maroon shaded glasses are fully off.
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