Northgate Forum Access

Mark, Help! For reasons unknown to me, I can't access the Northgate Forum message board, or any others for that matter, when I pull up AggieYell in AOL. I asked for help from Rivals/Yahoo Customer Service without success. For now, I have to use a different browser to access my subscription to AggieYell, an annoying, ponderous process. Any suggestions how Rivals can fix this issue, assuming you know someone there who can/cares? Thanks.

My thoughts on coaching search

Mainly stating the obvious, and this will probably be rambling. Apologies in advance.

I was thinking last night about past coaching searches here and at other places, and trying to identify what works and what doesn't. What it boils down to for me is program management. There are a lot of guys out there that are bright schematically that just can't hack it as the head guy at a power school. I remember Rich Rodriguez setting everyone's brains on fire when he figured out how to run successfully out of the spread. Brilliant concepts, but he can't pull it all together to save his life. Hell, look at Sumlin. We can argue to what extent, but he recruits fairly well. He's been able to get his teams to play at high levels at times, but it ultimately falls apart for him. Personally, I think it's because he is unable to successfully manage all of the necessary parts of his program. Look at the Spav disaster. He promotes a talented, but raw guy to offensive coordinator. Fine, but then he fails to mentor him and creates conflict by bringing in Dave Christensen and making him "running game coordinator," whatever in the blue fuck that is. He hangs Spavital out to dry and creates unnecessary friction by failing to define what roles everyone has.

Their are certainly different approaches to the HC position that can be successful. Not many can be the micromanager that Saban is without going insane or becoming a tyrant (See: Franchione, Dennis). However, if you're going to be the CEO type, you have to clearly delineate responsibility and maintain the direction of the program. Sumlin just seems wholly rudderless at times.

So, I've become less and less married to finding a coach that runs a certain sort of scheme or has a specific approach on offense or defense. The college game changes so quickly, you can be an innovator one season and a dinosaur the next (Hal Mumme). Plus, you have to be able to adapt your approach to whatever talent you get on campus.

Things that I'd like to see in our next HC: Proven recruiting. The SEC is no longer the killer it once was, but we still have to recruit at a high level to compete for conference championships. If someone has question marks about pulling in high level talent, that's a big problem. Also, I would like to have a track record as a head coach to rely upon. Like I laid out above, I think juggling those multiple pieces is what makes or breaks most coaches. I knew Charlie Strong was a terrible fit for Texas from Day 1 because he bristled with media and any criticisms they threw at him at Louisville. It was obvious he would melt under more of the same under a bigger spotlight. Venables is an interesting name, but of course he has no history as a HC. Some guys are able to shine in a supporting role, but don't have the demeanor take on the myriad of added responsibilities as the head man. If we were to give Venables a look, I think you have to question him extensively about organization, responsibility delegation, potential coordinators, how he would divvy out his limited time, etc. If he doesn't have a crystal clear vision at the ready, move on.

One of the things that is tough to recognize is how the coaching landscape has changed in the past 15 years or so. Gone are the days when we can poach a HC from Pitt or Michigan. The arms race in coaching salaries changed all that. Even shitty guys are getting a couple million per year. As a result, barring crazy circumstances, coaches aren't jumping from one P5 school to another.

The approach I would like to see us take is to focus mainly on head coaches at smaller schools. Wins and losses are a big factor to look at, but at the same time, focus on the approach they take to program organization. Are they hands on in calling the game? How clearly do they define coordinator and assistant roles? In other words, if they have coaches move on, is their system set up to adequately replace them. Ultimately, you have to look at a ton of these factors and find the guy that has the best approach to move our program forward.

Again, sorry for the rambling.

Starting over

This is a program that will now be starting over (again).

It’s likely Jimbo stays (because it’s too expensive for him to go and he’s really the best option right now).

But next fall, 15 of the 22 starters from tonight and 30 of the 44 two deep, will be new. As will 50+% of the coaching staff. Transfer portal and coaching turnover will make sure of it.

Thats just how this stuff goes in college football. 4 win seasons equal change.

Whatever momentum we had is February or August is gone. We start anew. Back to where we were three years ago.

not what any of us (or Jimbo or Bjork or anyone else) want. But it is what it is.

Jimbo contract is a sunk cost from investment standpoint

In terms of financial investment - his 85 million is a sunk cost - we pay it no matter what - like if you bought a sinking ship for 85 million- it’s spent and done and really irrelevant except for replacement cost - if you buy a rent house and it burns down without insurance , it no longer factors into the decision to buy a new rent house- only factor is if you have the money - would BMA be willing to buy another ship ( aka coach) and spend the bucks to get a really good one - or do we just say screw football for the next 4 years and compete with Vandy
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It’s Sunday and We Just Lost Our 6th Straight

WTF has no one on the staff or the program been fired yet? I get Jimbo ain’t getting canned and firmly believe if he hands total control to a real offensive staff we’ll be the program we all want to be.
What I don’t understand is how you aren’t sending a message to people outside the program that’s things will not be same. That 6 straight losses is unacceptable. That you’ll do whatever it takes to win some games and stop embarrassing this great university.

So someone help me out, aside from Jimbo just sucks, why TF has nobody been fired yet??????

All Quiet on the Western Front - Netflix

A must-see WWI film. Told from the German perspective makes this film fascinating. The story and film is very dark and shows us the horrors of war but the distinct difference between the elites fighting the war and the soldiers (underaged kids) used as fodder. German soldiers were sold propaganda of adventure, glory, and the joy fighting for the motherland (or fatherland)

If you like action packed and dramatic war films, you’ll like this one.

Human nature 101....

If you never, ever, EVER had to worry about money or security or four of Maslow's five needs; if you grew up poor and now you are legit rich with generational wealth; would YOU work as hard?

Would you care as much?

Jimbo is human and two successive AD's made sure he and his family would never want for anything again ever.

We all have a ring side seat to an epic "give a shitter" meltdown. That dude simply does not care.


Worst cheating scandals of all time

Everyone will have a different one but #1 on my list is King David who slept with his best friend's wife Bathsheba. He coveted her, slept with her and sent his best friend into a battle he would enivitably die so they could be together. God forgave him. We all have a chance after this one.
#2.... FDR having an affair with Lucy Rutherford. Men must have their vagina

Complicated offense??

I keep hearing that Jimbo’s offense is too complicated for our players - but looking at the plays Jordan Rogers highlighted - it looked like backyard football -“ everyone go deep” - see this several times - he may have a bunch of different plays but the route creativity is nil - whars the real inside scoop on this complexity - to me the routes need much more complexion - bunches , crosses , influence picks etc

Moose Tweet (Not Good)

He just deleted it but I copied and pasted it before it was cleared.

“Wanted to clear the air and state that I was benched through the entirety of tonight’s game due to wearing arm accessories (sleeves), which I’ve had tons of success wearing throughout the course of my football career…”
— Muhsin “Moose” Muhammad III (@MooseMuhammad) November 13, 2022

“apologize to my teammates & fans who may view my decision as selfish or of any negative nature, however I've been playing this game for a majority of my life and have a strong understanding of what's best for
myself in the field of play!”
— Muhsin “Moose” Muhammad III (@MooseMuhammad) November 13, 2022

We we can probably say goodbye to him to after the season.
