It was the Christmas of 1933, the depression was in full swing, my Dad was an engineering officer on board a Texaco tanker which caried oil from Port Arthur to New York(was laid off when ship hit NY without pay for two mos work, he was given 10.00 and he was lucky to get that, he rode the rails and walked bach to Marlin, Texas..I did not recognize him when he came home) I was with my mom living back on the farm. It had snowed and ice was every where. My grandpa hitched up the small mule to a sled and my uncle Ted, went with us to cut a tree for Christmas...he had one staked out. It was real pretty and we cut it, placed it on the sled and brought it home. Pop corn was being made for tree ornaments and my aunts had to beat me to it because I was eating the pop corn. They made a stringer of pop corn and then cut strips of colored paper and made loops to add to the tree, some old ornaments were also put on the tree and it was beautuful. Well, my uncle always teased me and told me I was too young for Christmas and could not go into the living room....Although I was not allowed to speak or learn polish, I knew some cuss words and I used them, grandma was appaled and grandpa laughed. That night we gathered for Christmas, we sat around the tree and sang christmas songs in Polish, which I could not understand. Then sang in American, which I could understand. I was given a big red apple, which was the usual gift to children and it was the largest apple I have ever seen....It was a beauty. I put it on the kitchen table and just looked at it, touched it and held it occasionally, it was mine and I was going to keep it as long as I could. We had to go to church for mid night mass, and I really did not care to go to church, rather stay at home and look at my apple. Well, I lost out and went to church. We got back, went into the house and that apple had a slice taken out. When I saw that, the guvna (sh t) hit the latern and I was looking for unle Ted.....I knew he did it. and I was right....that rascal had another apple and had switched on me, I chased him around the house and 4 am, and it was cold, snowey and really bright. It was a beautiful night or morning. as I chased hin we went around the wood pile and holy guvna .....there it was, a beautiful wagon, he had made for me, I was stunned. my first toy or tool or whatever. Now I could pull the wagon full of fire wood to the house instead of having to carry it in. He became my favorite uncle again. I lived thru 81 Christmases, I guess that was the second best because the best was when I gave Patricia her engagement ring while she was visiting her Aunt in Schulenberg....I was wearing my senior boots and I thought I was the luckiest man in the world...I was in my boots engaged to the most beautiful girl from Teague,
Texas...sixty years ago tonight. It will be a lonely Christmas tonight, but I have so many beautiful memories......Merry Christmas Ags, I am on my way to Hellotes to spend Christmas with my remaining family....I will say a prayer tonight for my beloved Aggieland and my extended family of Aggie everywhere.
Bob Lang