Wine deals/discounts - January

Just sent out our January wine discounts to my wine club members, however as usual, I offer these up to AY in case there are any of you out there that want to jump on these. There are some incredible deals in there this month on some really nice wines that we are down to our last bottles or end of vintage.

Click for the specials -->

I can ship to anyone in Texas as well as Alaska, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, Virginia, Washington, D.C., West Virginia, and Wyoming. Most of my shippers are 12 bottle containers, although I do have some 4 and 6 bottles boxes depending on availability.

If you are interested in anything on here, you can click the links below and it will send me an email, or you can email us with a list of all the ones you want and the number of bottles you want. I'll reach out to you afterwards with a total for shipping and get payment details.

It's first come/first served, but if you request something that's already gone, I'll reach out to you with replacement options.
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Perfect illustration of how the Democrats view illegal aliens

From the article, the 'bishop' said:

The people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals...

...they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals.

Let's skip over the fact that entering this country without permission makes you a criminal.

This used to be call slavery or indentured servitude but in Today's democratic party, these illegal aliens are just here to serve them as they live their lives. Amazing.

Coronavirus vaccine Pfizer

My first shot didn't affect me at all. Ii got my second shot Friday afternoon. I woke up Saturday morning and it knocked me in the dirt. The good thing is in the last 24 hours I have slept 20 hours. The 4 hours I was awake I had headaches (I never have headaches ever) and kind of dizzy. It is midnight now and I'm ok. I was hoping it would not affect me but that wasn't the case.

SIAP: Woman mowing, then attacked by snake and hawk

I do feel sorry for this woman, but at the same time found the story a little hysterical, too. :

Peggy Jones didn’t sense the danger hovering in the sky above on July 25 as she rode a tractor and mowed her family’s six-acre property in Silsbee, Tex.
Around 8 p.m., some three hours into the chore, a snake fell from the sky and quickly wrapped itself around her right forearm. Within seconds, she was attacked again, this time by a hawk determined to reclaim the prey it had just fumbled.

With the snake coiled around Jones’s forearm, the hawk stabbed and scraped and clawed her arm as it tried to fly off with its quarry. All the while, the snake, which she estimated was at least four feet long, was constantly striking at her face. It hit her glasses at least a couple of times, chipping an edge and spitting a liquid she suspects was venom.

The brown-and-white hawk briefly relented, hovering a few feet overhead before swooping down again to try to wrest the snake from Jones. She said the bird did this about four times, increasing the intensity with each attack.

“I’m screaming during this whole time, ‘Help me, Jesus! Please, help me, Jesus!’” she said.
Finally, the hawk wrestled the snake off her arm and flew away. Jones estimates the attack lasted a few seconds, although “it felt like an eternity.”
Jones, 64, took off on the tractor, racing toward the house while screaming. Her husband, Wendell, who had just finished mowing the front of the property, heard his wife “screaming hysterically” as she zigzagged toward him and flailed her bloodied arm.

He headed toward her on his riding mower. When Wendell, 66, got to her and asked what happened, all she could do was cry and scream. The two power walked to their Dodge Ram pickup. Wendell loaded her in, and they drove to an emergency room about 15 minutes away. Calming down, she started to tell her husband what happened.

He was in disbelief.
“I’m thinking she’s still in hysterics,” Wendell said.
Once they arrived at the hospital, doctors cleaned out Jones’s wounds, bandaged her up, injected her with antibiotics and wrote her a prescription for more to take at home. Having seen puncture marks in her arm, Jones and her husband thought the snake had bitten her. But doctors told her they thought those were actually stab wounds that the hawk had made with its talons.

Still, the Joneses spent that first night watching for her arm to swell up or turn black. They knew what to look for. Two years ago, a venomous snake had bitten Jones while she was clearing another property so they could build a house on it. It took her weeks to recover.
Although she still has extensive bruising and open wounds from last month’s attack, her physical injuries are healing. The psychological ones are taking longer. She’s eating less. She’s not sleeping. She described her nightmares from the past couple of weeks as “horrific.”

“Everything is off,” Jones said, adding that she doesn’t “think it’ll ever be totally normal again. I think I’ll always have some fears.”

“It’s probably been the most terrifying thing that’s ever happened in my life,” she said.
Because of the psychological toll, she’s taking a break from mowing. She’s also not supposed to do anything that might get sweat or dirt in her wounds because of the increased risk of infection.
Jones has identified one silver lining in the attack: She’s off dishes duty for the foreseeable future. Wendell has insisted on having her rest. “Which I’m okay with,” she said with a laugh.
Jones is also grateful that a bad situation didn’t turn out worse. While the hawk did most of the damage, she believes it saved her from the snake. Unchecked by a predator, it might have bitten her — it certainly tried to. They’re not sure what kind of snake it was or whether it was venomous.
“It was a very bizarre, harrowing experience,” she said. “And I just thank God I’m alive to still tell about it.”

Texas A&M Athletics & Mays Business School Team Up - Press release

For Immediate Release:

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Texas A&M Athletics Partners with Mays Business to Create AmplifyU

The Texas A&M Athletics Amplify program has partnered with Mays Business School to create AmplifyU, a custom program that teaches student-athletes to differentiate themselves and maximize their personal brands.

“Since last summer, our AMPLIFY platform has been impactful in providing our student-athletes with the tools to be successful regarding their name, image and likeness,” Director of Athletics Ross Bjork said. “I am excited that the program is furthering its scope by partnering with Mays Business School. Mays Business School has some of the brightest business minds that Texas A&M University has to offer, and their insight into the NIL sphere will benefit our student-athletes today and into the future.”

Through the AmplifyU program, participants will learn from Mays Business School faculty as well as former Texas A&M student-athletes and other successful professionals about important business, leadership and legal topics.

In addition, participants will have opportunities to apply what they learn through competitions and other experiential learning activities such as an etiquette dinner, a networking mixer and perspective sessions with former athletes and industry representatives.

The five-day boot camp begins May 16-20, and student-athletes interested in attending can applyhere. Each day begins at 8 a.m. with breakfast, lunch and dinner provided. For a full schedule clickhere.

Participants will have exposure to potential non-institutional NIL partners, as well as network opportunities with faculty, former athletes and industry professionals. A certificate is awarded at the completion of the program and AmplifyU will appear on your transcript as a zero credit S/U course. Successful completion based on participation, attitude and attendance. For a complete program flyer click here.

For complete coverage of Texas A&M Athletics, be sure to follow the Aggies on social media at @12thMan (Twitter), @12thMan (Instagram) and @AggieAthletics (Facebook) or visit the official home of Texas A&M Athletics at

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