DOJ IG Confirms that there were 26 FBI informants at J6

26 that they’ll admit to, but…

According to the report, there were a total of 26 confidential human sources in the crowd that day, but only three of them were assigned by the bureau to be there.

One of the three confidential human sources tasked by the FBI to attend the rally entered the Capitol building, while the other two entered the restricted area around the Capitol.

If a confidential human source is directed to be at a certain event, they are paid by the FBI for their time.

Twenty-three of the confidential human sources present on Jan. 6 came to Washington, D.C., to the Capitol on their own. Of that group, three entered the Capitol during the riot, and an additional 11 sources entered the restricted area around the Capitol.
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Plum Grove north of Houston,,,,,migrant development

Morning......not trying to go political here but has anyone heard of this......just saw an video on this

Apparently a developer with 'thousands' of acres has marketed in Spanish to migrants a no income required opportunity to buy 1/4 acre to 3/4 acre lots with utilities (at a high interest rate >9%). The person, family, or migrant, whatever you want to say, can build what they want there with no deed restrictions or building codes. This is north of Houston at a place called Plum Grove or Colony Ridge. ICE is staying away and there is a lack of law enforcement. DPS is saying cartels are already present in the area. This has been going on for some time but apparently it is starting to grow.

We have problems with colonias all over this state. The state has refused to step in to require sanitary conditions and safe water. We have an area in east Denton near the lack just outside the city limits (and the city does not want to take them in) where people build what they want without any restrictions. Some people live in shanties, some in barns like you buy at Lowes, some in buses, etc. on small lots. Needed to go down there to see a student and family only to quickly realize it was not safe to drive in there much less try to find these people. People living there did not like seeing an unfamiliar truck. School officer told me I should not have gone into there. It is right next to the Baptist Camp.

How does the county and state allow this to happen?

Need a benevolent Petroleum Engineer

I have a personal favor to ask the board.

I'm looking for somebody with good refining knowledge that would be willing to talk to a Master's student (my son) for a 15-20 minutes to assist him and his project team that is working on a practica project.

He is attending American University in D.C. getting his Masters in a SIS program which a feeder program to train for foreign service. (Great Timing!) So the team he is on doesn't have oil patch knowledge. The problem is to research and determine refining production capabilities and products in Iran to help inform the development of American Foreign policy. It' a capstone project and the presentation will be made to the State Department. So it's a big deal for him. Given the job market in that field, it's pretty important to make a good impression.

They of course are exhausting all publicly available sources (they are aware of) to get as much knowledge as they can. But they are hindered by their lack of refining knowledge in the search. As a few examples, they need to understand the finer differences between non-crude products like LPG vs LNG. Another example is they need to better understand handling and storage issues in export with different products. They have to find everything they can and then make projections to fill the rest.

I'm just a geologist that is not in the oil patch so I'm not much help.

Just let me know on this thread if you are willing to lend a hand, and I'll message with contact info.

Thank you very much.

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