Manchurian Candidate

We got one, the rat is in the house.
Who set us up?

My first guess is those dildos in austin. But would they go to this much effort on such an elaborate scheme? They like to act like they don’t care, turn up their nose and look out of the corner of their eye. Watching, hoping for the worst.

My second guess is the SEC. They really hate us for some reason. Power thing? They know that we could control the world with time? After all, they did do the absolute one thing that was agree must never happen. We thought it was a gentleman’s agreement with all the other schools…. Let the dildos into the conference.

The big 12?
Did they play the long game, and finally, 10 years later the plan can to fruition?

I’m fvcking sure George Soros is involved somewhere in this plan.

Something to consider

A&M, with a freshman quarterback making his first road start
With two backup offensive linemen and two who are seriously banged up
With a receiver group of Blake Smith, Jalen Preston, Noah Thomas and Devin Price because you have no one else
And that terrible scheme
With that ridiculous wind and the most Fed officiating I've ever watched: 10 points.

Texas, with super Ewers, 1st round Bijan, All Gas no Breaks super genius playcaller coach with awesome scheme: 3 points.

Very, very different opponents, but still...3 points.

what if !

Going into the game this week with UMass at 1-9, what happens if we lose this game, or it is extremely close. What happens to fisher at this point. Will the regents be forced to make a change to save anything related to aggie football. And,how does it effect any nil money in regards to 2023 recruiting. There is no more,the glory for playing for a particular school. It's about the Benjamin's. Sad to say.

Jimbo = Torbush

At one time, Torbush was a highly respected and highly successful defensive coach.

Then, Urban Meyer at Utah confused him, shocked him, and "WOW'ed" him with schemes that flew beyond his comprehension. Torbush was so stubborn and became so confused that he never realized that his schemes were the root problem with the defense. Instead, he kept using the same old schemes expecting them to work, despite repeated failure, week after week. He never understood. He never recovered. Out of necessity, he had to be fired.

With Jimbo's schemes, TV commentators and fans see the problems, but Jimbo keeps using those schemes even when they don't work time and time again. Clearly, he's confused. And remember three months ago... Jimbo was telling everyone what great shape the program is in, like all-time best shape. Now, the offense, defense, and front office are a complete mess. That is shocking. It's so bad that a Torbush WOW is an appropriate response.

Where is the evidence that Jimbo can be successful if only he has a new OC to take over the offense? Would Torbush have been successful if only he had a new DB coach?

How do you justify keeping Jimbo? Look at the athletic budget last year (link).

Revenue: $161 million
Operating expenses: $141 million
Profit: $20 million
Jimbo's salary: $9 million per year (about 6% of total expenses).

From a big picture standpoint, firing Jimbo is financially doable. Painful, but doable. And if that $161 million revenue slips by 6%, A&M will immediately be worse off financially in 2023 by keeping Jimbo.
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Offseason Agenda & Whats Going To Change

This is meant to be a realistic post: We’re not firing Jimbo.

Darrell Dickey is retiring. Who the hell knows what he’s been doing anyway.

We know we are getting a new OC soon.

Durkin gets another year, despite the defense taking a major step back this year.

The good takeaway - the coaching staff now has 0 leverage to keep the status quo. Tonight was a pathetic display in every phase of the game outside of special teams.

New Offensive Line Coach ✅
New Offensive Coordinator/play caller ✅
New LB Coach - should but won’t happen
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Halftime observations

The Aggies trail at the half in the ineptitude bowl, and have earned exactly where they are. Stupid, undisciplined play and horrible coaching get you here.

Conner Weigman hasn't been bad. He's done better than the other QBs would. But he's under constant pressure again, and he's had to run to move the ball. We've had two holds and a false start on the offensive line or blockers, and two of those wiped out big plays.
Le'Veon Moss and Amari Daniels are a long way from Devon Achane. Moss is averaging less than 2 yards a rush, Daniels less than 4. Weigman leads the team with 25 yards rushing. Of course, it's hard to expect them to do much when Auburn has 9 guys in the box. The line play is just so terrible. Trey Zuhn just can't get out and block speed rushers. It's like watching Dan Moore 5 years ago. Layden Robinson is getting battered. Fatheree is good for a couple of penalties per game.

I don't know where Moose Muhammad is, but he'd either better be sick or hurt because if he's not playing just because, it's ludicrous. Without Donovan Green and Muhammad, Evan Stewart is getting doubled over the top. Devin Price is doing ok, but he's not Moose. He also got screwed on what should have pass interference on the first drive.

Jalen Preston can't see the field again. He just can't.

Defensively -- what can you say? The foolishness is on both the coaches and the players. Hey, let's run a 3-man front with 6 DBs against a team that has thrown the ball twice! Ok, watch that team run right up the gut. This is elementary stuff. If you're going to sit and do that and not attack up the middle, forget it. You're dead. And, once again, it's like a miracle -- AFTER you give up 100 yards rushing in the 1st quarter, behold! Four-man front. It's ridiculous.

The lack of discipline is just horrible. A&M will actually diagnose a play and crash down on one side, and Auburn runs the other way where containment on the edge has been completely lost. Jacoby Mathews did that once and it was a big play out of what should have been a 3rd down loss. A couple of other guys did the same thing. This is basic crap. Don't give up the edge. Ever. Force it back inside.

Shemar Turner...WHAT? That play screwed A&M out of a chance at a final drive of the half. If they weren't desperate for bodies, I'd put him on the bench and leave him there. And I am a big fan of his talent. But he's done stuff like that several times this year and got away with it. Not this time.

In spite of it all, Auburn sucks too. If A&M can actually stop the run, they've got a chance at winning. But they have to play with some passion, some discipline and call the offense and defense like they're in 2022. Then, maybe, they can do something.


Do any of you feel this is intentional at this point?

I feel he doesn’t like being told what to do and is pushing back against the pressure of bringing in someone else to call the plays….

Suspending Moose for wearing sleeves cost us this game…..

I’m ready to move completely on from Jimbo….not just a bandage hiring an OC but completely…..watching the postgame interview was more of the same garbage.
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The targeting rule - FYI and for the announcers that don’t know the rules

Targeting and Making Forcible Contact
With the Crown of the Helmet

ARTICLE 3. No player shall target and make forcible contact against an opponent with the crown of their helmet. The crown of the helmet is the top segment of the helmet; namely, the circular area defined by a 6-inch radius from the apex (top) of the helmet. This foul requires that there be at least one indicator of targeting (See Note 1 below). When in question, it is a foul. (Rule 9-6) (A.R. 9-1-3-I)

Targeting and Making Forcible Contact to Head
or Neck Area of a Defenseless Player

ARTICLE 4. No player shall target and make forcible contact to the head or neck area of a defenseless opponent (See Note 2 below) with the helmet, forearm, hand, fist, elbow or shoulder. This foul requires that there be at least one indicator of targeting (See Note 1 below). When in question, it is a foul (Rules 2-27-14 and 9-6). (A.R. 9-1-4-I-VI)

Note 1: “Targeting” means that a player takes aim at an opponent for purposes of attacking with forcible contact that goes beyond making a legal tackle or a legal block or playing the ball. Some indicators of targeting include but are not limited to:
Launch. A player leaving their feet to attack an opponent by an upward and forward thrust of the body to make forcible contact in the head or neck area.
A crouch followed by an upward and forward thrust to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area, even though one or both feet are still on the ground.
Leading with helmet, shoulder, forearm, fist, hand or elbow to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area.
Lowering the head before attacking by initiating forcible contact with the crown of the helmet.

Note 2: Defenseless player (Rule 2-27-14). When in question, a player is defenseless. Examples of defenseless players include but are not limited to:
• A player in the act of or just after throwing a pass. This includes an offensive player in a passing posture with focus downfield.
• A receiver attempting to catch a forward pass or in position to receive a backward pass, or one who has completed a catch and has not had time to protect themselves or has not clearly become a ball carrier.
• A kicker in the act of or just after kicking a ball, or during the kick or the return.
• A kick returner attempting to catch or recover a kick, or one who has completed a catch or recovery and has not had time to protect themselves or has not clearly become a ball carrier.
• A player on the ground.
• A player obviously out of the play.
• A player who receives a blind-side block.
• A ball carrier already in the grasp of an opponent and whose forward
progress has been stopped.
• A quarterback any time after a change of possession
• A ball carrier who has obviously given themselves up and is sliding
