Halftime observations

That was a pretty thorough ass-kicking. And there wasn't any special about it; A&M just lined up and beat Florida up.

Marcel Reed has been very, very nice. No freshman mistakes (ok, maybe one); no worries about the crowd. He's made every play he's needed to make. The 31-yard run on the first drive really set the tone, with him letting Florida know they'll have to do a lot to hold him down.
The Aggies are 4-8 on third down, but they converted two 4th downs and got field goals on the other two. Reed has converted a 3rd and 12, a 3rd and 10, a 3rd and 8 and a 3rd and 5. He has been unfazed. Overall, he's 10-15 for 105 yards, a touchdown pass and a touchdown run.
A&M has absolutely dominated up front. They went 99 yards, in the rain, with 97 of those yards coming on the ground. I said Le'Veon Moss may be the most important player in the game, and he's been up to the task. He has 71 yards on just 9 carries, including a 27-yarder and a 22-yarder, both of which got A&M out from the shadow of their own goal line. He's just running through people. There's nothing subtle about it.
Amari Daniels has 43 yards on 7 carries, and EJ Smith has 13 on 3. Terry Bussey even had a 9-yard run, where he went through three tackles.
The offensive line has been fantastic, outside of some dumb penalties. Reed has largely been able to do what he wants in the pocket, and the Aggies are averaging 6.6 yards a carry. It would be more, but they had the 1-yard touchdown run to knock the average down. The big drive was done with TJ Shanahan and Deuce Fatheree in, so it's not just the starters battering UF. It's been an impressive performance, and there have been some really big holes, and the backs have shown outstanding vision.
Not much to complain about with the receivers, except Moose Muhammad quitting on a route that nearly became a pick. He may see his playing time evaporate, because Jabre Barber looks good and he's still not 100% yet. Cyrus Allen had a dumb penalty, but also has some nice catches. And congrats to Theo Ohrstrom with his first touchdown on a very un-tight end-like 29-yard touchdown.
The defense has been stifling except for 1 play. And they made up for it. Florida has 7 yards rushing and 79 yards total -- 39 on one play. They have been unable to run the ball, except when A&M was playing a 3-man front to prevent a big passing play.
A&M only has 1 sack, but they've had plenty of pressure on both Mertz and Lagway. Shemar Stewart has had a monster game, crashing into the pocket and making plays all over. He leads the team in tackles and has half a sack.
Nic Scourton has only one tackle -- a TFL, but he's causing fits. They ran at him once. That was enough. The Aggies have been able to get enough pressure that there's not much Mertz and Lagway can do.
I think we'll see more Mertz in the second half, because he's handling the pressure better. But that's not saying a lot. The Aggies may tee off in the second half, because UF has to throw.
The Aggies need to avoid three things: more stupid penalties, big plays in the passing game and complacency. There's not a whole lot you can do when you line up and the opponent just physically beats you, and that's what happened in the first half.

Halftime Stats of the Game.

1. 30 rushes for 197 yards, 6.6 ypc. This would be damn good stats for an entire game. It's halftime stats. It continues to be RB by committee with six guys carrying the ball. Moss leads with 71 yards on just nine carries. Magical fairy dust has been spread by Elko on our offensive line trans-freaking-forming them into bad asses.

2. Florida 8 rushes for 7 yards. Enough said. Damn.

3. Marcel Reed, 10/15, 105 yards, and a TD. Second stringer steps up on the road in the Swamp. Or is he the second stringer?

4. Florida QBs 6/11 for 66 yards and 1 int. All everything Lagway 2/4 with 12 yards and int, and he was sacked.

5. A&M final TD drive, 15 plays, 99 freaking yards, 7:15 minutes off the clock. Holy damn.

6. Time of possession A&M 22:46, poor Florida 7:14.

Injury update

Now that I'm in Orlando...

Here's the deal on Conner Weigman, who is now listed as questionable for Saturday. I don't know when he was hurt, but I know he was hurt last week. There was some serious discussion about whether he'd play last week, and of course, he did. I think we're in a similar situation here, where it will just be how much pain he can take. It'll probably be a gametime decision. My gut instinct is he plays.
Tyreek Chappell's season could well be over, and that's a real blow. Jaydon Hill will have to step up his game bigtime, because he was bad last week. Bravion Rogers becomes the backup.

It’s hard raising two young boys to not be stupid…

…like their momma.

HA!!! She loves that bit…but seriously…I don’t get the over-protection and overreaction to all the stupid “social” shit. I’ve crammed enough of my own ideas into my boys’ heads that I barely bother with keepin up with the latest outrage. My boys and I just laugh at these dipshits preaching chaos.

I don’t worry about “indoctrination from our schools” cuz I still give a shit what my kids are learning and how it’s being interpreted by their young, stupid minds.

So, I was at my 9-yr olds(10-u) baseball practice yesterday and there’s this one “boy” that’s basically bein raised to be a little girl (we live in Leander), and he got “hit” right in the titty with the softest ground ball you can possibly picture in your head. The ball bounced 17 times before it slowly raised up and tapped this little ****** in his baby, man-titties. He absolutely. Lost. His. Fvcking. Mind.

Rolled around like he’d been gut-shot by a sniper for a solid 3 minutes. If you’ve ever gone a round, you know how long that can seem. It was fvckin brutal.

In a single moment of time, as if it was just a wink from the gods, my youngest son quietly and respectfully walked over to me, whilst this pile of over-coddled excuse for a boy cried out in anguish, and said “this guy’s such a fag”.

I was so proud
