There Was An Earlier Post On Here
- Northgate
- 30 Replies
About stupid boating mishaps and it made me think about some of the crazy stuff I've seen in my lifetime of boating in Florida.
I thought I'd list some I've seen and let's hear some of yours.
When I was in my twenties I was backing my boat down a ramp that was somewhat out in the country and it was a single lane ramp. When I went to unhook my chain from my trailer the dock master comes running out yelling at me not to launch my boat!! I said why not and he says look in the water just past the ramp and I look....there's a pickup truck with it's headlights on and the windshield wipers going and it has a boat trailer jackknifed beside it. The reason I couldn't see it at first is because the water over here is pretty dark from the cypress trees. They give off an acid that makes the water look like ice tea....It also makes it better for the alligators to get ya. haha.
Some guy had borrowed a buddy's truck to launch that boat he had just purchased and didn't put the truck in park I guess. That was one of the best screwups I had ever seen.
My next best one was where this guy didn't even get near the water to screw his day up....he went to a gas station and mistook his rod holder for his gas tank. He put 12 gallons of gas in before he realized gas was all over the carpet of his fishing boat. I don't know what happened but you couldn't get close to the gas station for all of the fire trucks and police cars.
My third one....I have a customer who has a pretty big fishing boat he hauls down to the Keys for lobster season every year. One of the mistakes a lot of people make when hauling their boats a long way is they use their boat to carry extra weight the trailer wasn't designed to haul. He had loaded his diving gear & tanks and a gas grill as well as some bicycles. Anyway he had been driving for about five hours and was getting close to the Keys when he noticed someones tire & rim pass him on the drivers side and then takes a slight left turn and went flying into the mango groves that are just off of the road down in that part of Florida.....He soon found out it was his tire and rim and he was going to need it. He asked a state trooper to take him back to the scene of the run away rim and when he got there the trooper told him you're on your own if you go into the groves....they are full of alligators and poisonous snakes as well as boa's are a big problem down there now too.
I have more but would like to hear what you got.
I thought I'd list some I've seen and let's hear some of yours.
When I was in my twenties I was backing my boat down a ramp that was somewhat out in the country and it was a single lane ramp. When I went to unhook my chain from my trailer the dock master comes running out yelling at me not to launch my boat!! I said why not and he says look in the water just past the ramp and I look....there's a pickup truck with it's headlights on and the windshield wipers going and it has a boat trailer jackknifed beside it. The reason I couldn't see it at first is because the water over here is pretty dark from the cypress trees. They give off an acid that makes the water look like ice tea....It also makes it better for the alligators to get ya. haha.
Some guy had borrowed a buddy's truck to launch that boat he had just purchased and didn't put the truck in park I guess. That was one of the best screwups I had ever seen.
My next best one was where this guy didn't even get near the water to screw his day up....he went to a gas station and mistook his rod holder for his gas tank. He put 12 gallons of gas in before he realized gas was all over the carpet of his fishing boat. I don't know what happened but you couldn't get close to the gas station for all of the fire trucks and police cars.
My third one....I have a customer who has a pretty big fishing boat he hauls down to the Keys for lobster season every year. One of the mistakes a lot of people make when hauling their boats a long way is they use their boat to carry extra weight the trailer wasn't designed to haul. He had loaded his diving gear & tanks and a gas grill as well as some bicycles. Anyway he had been driving for about five hours and was getting close to the Keys when he noticed someones tire & rim pass him on the drivers side and then takes a slight left turn and went flying into the mango groves that are just off of the road down in that part of Florida.....He soon found out it was his tire and rim and he was going to need it. He asked a state trooper to take him back to the scene of the run away rim and when he got there the trooper told him you're on your own if you go into the groves....they are full of alligators and poisonous snakes as well as boa's are a big problem down there now too.
I have more but would like to hear what you got.