Bowling chat….

So, I used to hit Wolf Pen on the reg with the ole crew back in day. Mid to late 90’s. We used to “roll” (that’s what the badasses used to call it) every Friday night. The homies and our bitches all teamed up, pitchers of shitty ass Bud Light flowing like the salmon of CAPISTRANO!! Just some good, wholesome times.

So, I had this ball there that I would always try to find and eventually fell in love with and intentionally stole…and some shoes.

But I digress….

Fast forward to tonight and I just had my first round in an 18-week bowling league. Haven’t bowled regularly in ages but I used to be pretty solid. Took two semesters of bowling at Blinn and, yeah, I aced dem bitches. LIKE A BOSS!!

I still use the fundamentals I was taught in that course today, and with very little effort or fine tuning, I can get right back into my groove. Bowled a few frames a couple weeks ago and averaged a 149 tonight over 3 games.

Feels good to get back into it. Lookin forward to finding my stroke again. Any of you other fine gentlemen take time from here to join the world class athleticism that is competitive bowling? Tell me your tales of sick 7/10 split pickups and/or pounding the gross chic that worked the bar/lounge/food counter/ shoe rack. Fvck it, just skip to those…GO!!
