What Donald J is doing to Sleepy Joe in the debate

Interesting. That manifesto doesn’t speak in favor of white supremacy. Also, so far only one alleged example of threatening violence.
Where are the tenets to tearing apart the nuclear family and open live for Marxism? They are considered a national threat that i have yet to see burn anything. Where did they set up a Proud Boy’s autonomous zone technically making them enemies of the state. That means me and you
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Where are the tenets to tearing apart the nuclear family and open live for Marxism? They are considered a national threat that i have yet to see burn anything. Where did they set up a Proud Boy’s autonomous zone technically making them enemies of the state. That means me and you
Haven’t seen them going into neighborhoods and threatening and harassing people. Haven’t seen them harassing people in restaurants and making them do their hand signs either.
Haven’t seen them looting either.
The list goes on and on but the proud boys are obviously the real threat.
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Ok, this is a fair debate. Some thoughts:

"They found them in creeks." I think Trump was referring to the ballots found in ditches in Wisconsin. So, technically inaccurate, but an immaterial inaccuracy. Same goes for the rivers comment.

"They found some with the name Trump—just happened to have the name Trump—just the other day in a wastepaper basket." This is true, though I suppose slightly inaccurate because they were found in a dumpster not a wastepaper basket.

"They sent two in a Democrat area. They sent out a thousand ballots. Everybody got two ballots. This is going to be a fraud like you've never seen." I think he means Fairfax, VA. And another in Richmond, VA. And in NY they're contemplating sending replacement ballots to 100,000 people who already received one with a misprint.

"We might not know [the winner] for months because these ballots are going to be all over. Take a look at what happened in Manhattan. Take a look at what happened in New Jersey. Take a look at what happened in Virginia and other places." Here the article doesn't dispute that there have been difficulties closing out elections, they just dispute the timing. But a local race that takes weeks to finalize could take much longer on a state-wide scale where they're trying to certify an election. Trump's statement was a prediction and so can't be said to be true or a lie, just his viewpoint.

"They're not losing 2 percent, 1 percent [of ballots], which by the way is too much. An election could be won or lost with that. They're losing 30 and 40 percent. It's a fraud, and it's a shame." They're interpreting "losing" in a way to drive their narrative. It can also mean that you lose that vote in the sense that it can't be counted. As the article notes, many absentee ballots are rejected. And this year the numbers have been higher.

"It's a rigged election." This is an opinion. Lies imply that you have a fact and misstate it. And we don't know yet whether the election will be rigged or not, but there are arguments to be made in support including the changes to the way votes are cast and counted in battleground states.

"Take a look at West Virginia, mailman selling the ballots. They're being sold." This does appear to be just wrong. The only thing I could find was this very minor issue with a mail man who as a "joke" changed party affiliation.

"They're being dumped in rivers." See ditch comment above.

"Hey, they found ballots in a wastepaper basket three days ago, and they all had the name military ballots. They were military. They all had the name Trump on them." See Pennsylvania note above.

"[Fraud has] already been established. Take a look at Carolyn Maloney's race." First, voter fraud is real and is prosecuted. As for Maloney's race, I'm not sure about whether there is fraud but they have decided to count ballots that didn't comply with the rules for when they had to be cast.
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Cstanfld, thanks for this fact check work. To me, this is where Trump blows it. If he would just slow down and explain his point, he would be so much more credible, and so much harder to dismiss as someone who just makes up facts as he goes along.
Cstanfld, thanks for this fact check work. To me, this is where Trump blows it. If he would just slow down and explain his point, he would be so much more credible, and so much harder to dismiss as someone who just makes up facts as he goes along.
He does get some stuff just wrong and other times he embellishes, which reduces his credibility. But in terms of what he said along those lines, on the whole I think he was mostly accurate and he lays out a case for his view of the world.

I haven't looked for a fact check for Biden, but he also plays fast and loose with the truth. I think the debate displayed that both men have questionable temperaments and tend to fly off the handle.
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The United States saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019on a country basis – a fall of 140 Mt, or 2.9%, to 4.8 Gt. US emissions are now down almost 1 Gt from their peak in the year 2000, the largest absolute decline by any country over that period.Feb 11, 2020

This is from the IEA. Why is it that Donald Trump fails to cite this fact every time climate change is mentioned?
The United States saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019on a country basis – a fall of 140 Mt, or 2.9%, to 4.8 Gt. US emissions are now down almost 1 Gt from their peak in the year 2000, the largest absolute decline by any country over that period.Feb 11, 2020

This is from the IEA. Why is it that Donald Trump fails to cite this fact every time climate change is mentioned?
Who knows? I wasn't aware of that, and it's very interesting. I've some say he's his best spokesman, but the problem is that he gets so caught up in minutiae that he doesn't make the best case for himself.

I know I use my work as an example a lot, so forgive me, but I see this with the businesses I represent at times. They'll get laser focused on things that don't matter at all to the case, but it's an obsession for them to try and make some point. It can be very hard to convince those people that they're actually hurting their case by focusing on facts or issues that have no bearing on the outcome of the case. Trump strikes me as that type of person--he has his pet issues/facts/whatever and then fails to understand that those have no bearing on whether someone will be convinced his policy approaches are better.
I agree. Couple that fixation on his points with his inability to logically link facts to a clear argument to support his claim, and you end up with the half sentences and digressions that make it very difficult to understand his argument. I like some of the things he’s done (corporate tax reduction to G20 norms, approach to China, peace treaty with Israel and UAE / Bahrain, push for a vaccine, etc. I’m troubled by his immigration policy (no path to citizenship for dreamers and those in the country), his abandonment of the Kurds, and his ridiculous tweets that undermine his credibility. The cabinet turnover seems to support the view that he lets his ego get in the way of working collaboratively with bright people.