revamping the vax promotion to help jab more people?


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Dec 13, 2002
with the pro leagues being ravaged with covid despite being >95% vaxxed ( not sure what the answer is - seems weird that they are pushing the degree of infections and canceling games. Perhaps there should be more details provided in the testing as to the actual viral load - yes they have it but they are asymptomatic, if true? this can be done taking finger pricks pretty easily but much more costly per test.

obviously vaxxes do not prevent you from being infected (thus the reason CDC had to change the definition of vaccines), and they have many reports showing that vaxxed people not only get covid but spread it. but if there were actual studies to detail the severity maybe CDC and Brandon could sell the vaxxes better as it is your new yearly flu shot that may or may not work to reduce the severity. havent seen that study out there

also, is there a reason novavax is not being fast tracked? no deaths or severe side effects reported in phase III trails like the mRNA vaxxes and it has been shown to be more effective against variants?

seems pretty odd CDC, NIH, and the white house continues to push a solution shown over and over again to not work. maybe they are not in it to solve the problem like they did in India?
I had the Pfizer vax in March and tested positive for Covid a month ago. Minor symptoms, though, Thankfully those around me didn’t get it.

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