Another option for COVID treatment

funny how Pfizer also reported relative efficacy of its non-vaccine vaccine at 95% upon release. oops, guess it really doesn't prevent you from getting covid nor spreading it. here's to Pfizer trying again when there are many other options that are more effective and successful as demonstrated in other countries.

with the illegal mandate set for Jan. I am looking, however, looking at novavax as an option that has better performance than the current non-vaccine vaccines. phase III trials finishing up with impressive results. Of course, best option is to have natural immunity but don't let science get in the way of fantasy land. and no reported deaths by/from/with novavax as compared to the non-vaccine vaccines that has reported around 20k deaths (much higher when considering same reporting definition of pre-vaccine covid deaths) or 100's of thousands of severe reactions/hospitalizations according to VAERS. something that seems to be as effective as novavax has little chance of gaining EAU since it may suppress covid from being an endemic as it is now in India - what would dems use to keep illegal ballot harvesting alive and well for 2022?
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We should be studying and looking at all treatment options. Not just the one's pushed by big pharma.
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funny how Pfizer also reported relative efficacy of its non-vaccine vaccine at 95% upon release. oops, guess it really doesn't prevent you from getting covid nor spreading it. here's to Pfizer trying again when there are many other options that are more effective and successful as demonstrated in other countries.

there was no Oops. Pfizer's efficacy trials were run in the summer of 2020. that's where the 95% came from. J&J's efficacy was run in the winter months of 2020. That's where their initial 70% came from. You're going to get 2 different sets of answer just because the general population of the statistics study have different levels of sickness in the tested population comparing Summer and Winter levels. (ie, if Pfizer had run their trial in winter months, they would have resulted in a lower number than 95%.)

And likewise, once the Delta variant took off, everyone needed to recalculate efficacy. Its a different Covid.

Just like Flu changes, and flu vaccines vary in efficacy between early and late flu season.

Not trying to pick a fight, but wanted to educate on where these numbers come from, because its commonly misinterpreted and misused, as you are misusing/applying the 95% in your post.

The breakthrough cases didn't start popping up until Delta came out....which was ~14 months after the vaccines were invented.