7 million votes in Pennsylvania

Team Trump murdered in the opinion by Judge Brann.

Textbook face of a killer.

great move on up to the next court that will overturn this one if the evidence is there. just as long as Pennsyltucky enables all of the votes, their envelopes, and the machines to be inspected by both sides. Oh, this is assuming the libs in the state haven't already Comey'd them and destroyed the evidence as they did with Clinton cronies phones and computers.
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great move on up to the next court that will overturn this one if the evidence is there. just as long as Pennsyltucky enables all of the votes, their envelopes, and the machines to be inspected by both sides. Oh, this is assuming the libs in the state haven't already Comey'd them and destroyed the evidence as they did with Clinton cronies phones and computers.

Evidence hasn't been there in over 30 cases. There's a pattern here.
Embarrassing is not a good enough word when your case is "denied as moot"
great move on up to the next court that will overturn this one if the evidence is there. just as long as Pennsyltucky enables all of the votes, their envelopes, and the machines to be inspected by both sides. Oh, this is assuming the libs in the state haven't already Comey'd them and destroyed the evidence as they did with Clinton cronies phones and computers.
Problem is they have. Alito commanded they hold back votes that came in past 8pm election night but this was after the fact and you know they were mixed in. It's a cluster F. No, they won't toss 7 million, but anyplace that counted votes without oversight by both campaigns (and there is lots of proof of Republican poll watchers not being allowed to come in and games being played in the observation) there is a risk of a good amount that will be tossed since that is against state election law. And never mind the fact that tossed ballots in a state range around 1-3% of the overall in a election and PA is in the tenths of one percent which is unheard of. Never mind it's a high mail in year which should have added to the number tossed and made the number closer to the 3%.
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Problem is they have. Alito commanded they hold back votes that came in past 8pm election night but this was after the fact and you know they were mixed in. It's a cluster F. No, they won't toss 7 million, but anyplace that counted votes without oversight by both campaigns (and there is lots of proof of Republican poll watchers not being allowed to come in and games being played in the observation) there is a risk of a good amount that will be tossed since that is against state election law. And never mind the fact that tossed ballots in a state range around 1-3% of the overall in a election and PA is in the tenths of one percent which is unheard of. Never mind it's a high mail in year which should have added to the number tossed and made the number closer to the 3%.
Alito ordered segregation of ballots but did not order the count to stop. That order was complied with.
Throwback to '16 where Trump says millions voted illegally but it's only hundreds of thousands today. Must have been all the election security bills he backed or that big wall to keep them out.

Team Trump murdered in the opinion by Judge Brann.

Textbook face of a killer.


This will be appealed and Likely fastracted to SCOTUS. Predict thatonly around 200,000-300,000 ballots fall into this suit. More than enough to reverse the State from illegal Blue to legal Red.

not done yet, my friend.
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I mean this is all fantasy talk but it’s only 20 electoral votes so even in your dream it doesn’t change the outcome.
This will be appealed and Likely fastracted to SCOTUS. Predict thatonly around 200,000-300,000 ballots fall into this suit. More than enough to reverse the State from illegal Blue to legal Red.

not done yet, my friend.
On what are you basing your prediction? What proof has been offered that gives you any shred of evidence that supports your view? I’m curious.
I think it’s very unlikely the SCOTUS would hear this case in the absence of any compelling evidence (not the rantings of Rudi).
On what are you basing your prediction? What proof has been offered that gives you any shred of evidence that supports your view? I’m curious.
First, let’s break your question into three parts:

1) the Dominion system

2) mathematical issues with totals

3) handling of mail in and absentee ballots.

In the first case, the claim that votes are stored in servers from Germany and counted by software running from Venezuela. That claim should bother everyone. I, myself, had always thought the tabulations were physically stored and calculated at the county level. That said, once you’re on the Internet, anything is possible. I want to hear more here an frankly, if true, want this to change. Period.

Mathematically, there are cases of “what the ...?” In the totals. For example; in Nevada there are several thousand more absentee ballots processed than than there were. Absentee ballots requested. Should not be! Show me why. Secondly, there are currently several hundred signed depositions dealing with sworn testimony of double votes, ballot stuffing, etc. these are legal documents that need answered / resolved via legal process. One of these was recounted in Rudi’s news conference, the rest I don’t need to see until after the litigation. In other words, it’s in the judges hands.

Lastly, there’s the whole handling of mail in ballots including absentee. The validation process involves the inspection of the ballot to assure all requirements are met. For example; the application and ballot signature matches and is the same person, the ballot is sealed in an inner envelope, etc. typically this process involves three people in a two party race, the official and a poll watcher from each party. Each ballot is reviewed by all three, valid ballots are counted, rejected ones set aside, and disputed cases left for further action. This was not done in PA in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh areas but was done everywhere else. Historically the rejection rate for absentee and mail in ballots are 3-5% range. Here we have a historical low of .02% ... in Philadelphia? Don’t buy it! Remarkably, the same is true in Michigan, GA, and Wisconsin. These are, by my view, the 200,000 to 300,000 illegal votes.

Now, you might not like the evidence, it may be ultimately rejected, but I, for one, want it addressed before you ask me to accept the results. I think there’s maybe 73 million others that would too.
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1) stop calling them depositions. They are not.

2) read the orders from the judges who read the affidavits. Tells you all you need to know.
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First, let’s break your question into three parts:

1) the Dominion system

2) mathematical issues with totals

3) handling of mail in and absentee ballots.

In the first case, the claim that votes are stored in servers from Germany and counted by software running from Venezuela. That claim should bother everyone. I, myself, had always thought the tabulations were physically stored and calculated at the county level. That said, once you’re on the Internet, anything is possible. I want to hear more here an frankly, if true, want this to change. Period.

Mathematically, there are cases of “what the ...?” In the totals. For example; in Nevada there are several thousand more absentee ballots processed than than there were. Absentee ballots requested. Should not be! Show me why. Secondly, there are currently several hundred signed depositions dealing with sworn testimony of double votes, ballot stuffing, etc. these are legal documents that need answered / resolved via legal process. One of these was recounted in Rudi’s news conference, the rest I don’t need to see until after the litigation. In other words, it’s in the judges hands.

Lastly, there’s the whole handling of mail in ballots including absentee. The validation process involves the inspection of the ballot to assure all requirements are met. For example; the application and ballot signature matches and is the same person, the ballot is sealed in an inner envelope, etc. typically this process involves three people in a two party race, the official and a poll watcher from each party. Each ballot is reviewed by all three, valid ballots are counted, rejected ones set aside, and disputed cases left for further action. This was not done in PA in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh areas but was done everywhere else. Historically the rejection rate for absentee and mail in ballots are 3-5% range. Here we have a historical low of .02% ... in Philadelphia? Don’t buy it! Remarkably, the same is true in Michigan, GA, and Wisconsin. These are, by my view, the 200,000 to 300,000 illegal votes.

Now, you might not like the evidence, it may be ultimately rejected, but I, for one, want it addressed before you ask me to accept the results. I think there’s maybe 73 million others that would too.

As far as the Votes Stored in Germany BS, actually do a little good faith research on how that claim came about. F'ing lazy.
F’ing liberal ! Link?

If you read closely, a link is embedded in my original message- that's what the blue text is.

Edit: I'll also add the Securing America's Federal Elections, or SAFE, Act included language that would have banned voting machines from being connected to the internet and being produced in foreign countries. That bill was blocked by Senate Republicans.
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If you read closely, a link is embedded in my original message- that's what the blue text is.
No ... that links to an article from Reuters that disputes the claim that the servers have been seized. I didn’t say that, although I could have. There is no denial that the servers AREN’T in Germany except by the Scytl (under investigation). I guess I’m just able to separate the ‘hosting site’ from the ‘company office’. How many of us have used hosted solutions of applications which are physically located in a third party data center? I have and nothing in Reuters or SCYLs statement excludes that.

Stop being such a dork! It’s complicated and it will be resolved. You should have thought the mail in ballot through better .... but then again that wasn’t the issue was it?
No ... that links to an article from Reuters that disputes the claim that the servers have been seized. I didn’t say that, although I could have. There is no denial that the servers AREN’T in Germany except by the Scytl (under investigation). I guess I’m just able to separate the ‘hosting site’ from the ‘company office’. How many of us have used hosted solutions of applications which are physically located in a third party data center? I have and nothing in Reuters or SCYLs statement excludes that.

Stop being such a dork! It’s complicated and it will be resolved. You should have thought the mail in ballot through better .... but then again that wasn’t the issue was it?

“Following several erroneous statements that have been published in digital and social media, Scytl would like to clarify the following […] The technologies implemented by Scytl in the US are both hosted and managed within the US, by a local subsidiary, SOE Software, based in Tampa, Florida; We do not tabulate, tally or count votes in the US; We do not have servers or offices in Frankfurt; The US army has not seized anything from Scytl in Barcelona, Frankfurt or anywhere else.”
The gaslighting is getting ridiculous.

Kind of like the lawsuit Mike Kelly put forth yesterday in Pennsylvania to invalidate every single one of the mail in ballots calling Act 77 unconstitutional even though the GOP controlled legislature were the ones who passed it.

Again- rules for thee, but not for me.
“Following several erroneous statements that have been published in digital and social media, Scytl would like to clarify the following […] The technologies implemented by Scytl in the US are both hosted and managed within the US, by a local subsidiary, SOE Software, based in Tampa, Florida; We do not tabulate, tally or count votes in the US; We do not have servers or offices in Frankfurt; The US army has not seized anything from Scytl in Barcelona, Frankfurt or anywhere else.”
Nope! That doesn’t say the physical box isn’t in Germany. It says it’s not in Frankfurt Germany and the hosting process is managed from the US. Look, bottom line is that neither of us actually know exactly where the box is located, but the courts can answer this (or force an answer)
Nope! That doesn’t say the physical box isn’t in Germany. It says it’s not in Frankfurt Germany. Look, bottom line is that neither of us actually know, but the courts can answer this (or force an answer)

Yeah, right under the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's nose.

Director Krebs spoke to instill confidence in the American public regarding election security and separate fact from fiction. So what happened last Tuesday? Trump unsurprisingly sacks him for those comments.
Yeah, right under the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's nose.

Director Krebs spoke to instill confidence in the American public regarding election security and separate fact from fiction. So what happened last Tuesday? Trump unsurprisingly sacks him for those comments.
Both could be true you know? Sacking? Speaking out of turn in public has gotten many people sacked over the years. Don’t know the details but they all serve at the pleasure of the President. He can sack someone for wearing the wrong color tie if he wants. What we know is he was sacked. That is all. Inferring and commentary beyond that is just that.
First, let’s break your question into three parts:

1) the Dominion system

2) mathematical issues with totals

3) handling of mail in and absentee ballots.

In the first case, the claim that votes are stored in servers from Germany and counted by software running from Venezuela. That claim should bother everyone. I, myself, had always thought the tabulations were physically stored and calculated at the county level. That said, once you’re on the Internet, anything is possible. I want to hear more here an frankly, if true, want this to change. Period.

Mathematically, there are cases of “what the ...?” In the totals. For example; in Nevada there are several thousand more absentee ballots processed than than there were. Absentee ballots requested. Should not be! Show me why. Secondly, there are currently several hundred signed depositions dealing with sworn testimony of double votes, ballot stuffing, etc. these are legal documents that need answered / resolved via legal process. One of these was recounted in Rudi’s news conference, the rest I don’t need to see until after the litigation. In other words, it’s in the judges hands.

Lastly, there’s the whole handling of mail in ballots including absentee. The validation process involves the inspection of the ballot to assure all requirements are met. For example; the application and ballot signature matches and is the same person, the ballot is sealed in an inner envelope, etc. typically this process involves three people in a two party race, the official and a poll watcher from each party. Each ballot is reviewed by all three, valid ballots are counted, rejected ones set aside, and disputed cases left for further action. This was not done in PA in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh areas but was done everywhere else. Historically the rejection rate for absentee and mail in ballots are 3-5% range. Here we have a historical low of .02% ... in Philadelphia? Don’t buy it! Remarkably, the same is true in Michigan, GA, and Wisconsin. These are, by my view, the 200,000 to 300,000 illegal votes.

Now, you might not like the evidence, it may be ultimately rejected, but I, for one, want it addressed before you ask me to accept the results. I think there’s maybe 73 million others that would too.
Dad, without being able to verify your sources, it’s difficult to comment. I realize you’re trying to layout a logical argument for your position and I respect that. Just as I didn’t subscribe to the Russian conspiracy theory, I have trouble subscribing to voter fraud claims — particularly when the courts aren’t presented with evidence and the Trump appointed election security head said it was the most secure election in history. Rudi’s credibility, along with that of the president, have been undermined by so many baseless and easily refuted claims. This appears to me to be one more massive attempt to create a new myth to support another conspiracy theory by using a series of straw men, isolated cases that are statistically insignificant to the outcome, but serve to call into question the legitimacy of our electoral system. Same ploy the D’s used for four years, which I found totally deplorable.
Dad, without being able to verify your sources, it’s difficult to comment. I realize you’re trying to layout a logical argument for your position and I respect that. Just as I didn’t subscribe to the Russian conspiracy theory, I have trouble subscribing to voter fraud claims — particularly when the courts aren’t presented with evidence and the Trump appointed election security head said it was the most secure election in history. Rudi’s credibility, along with that of the president, have been undermined by so many baseless and easily refuted claims. This appears to me to be one more massive attempt to create a new myth to support another conspiracy theory by using a series of straw men, isolated cases that are statistically insignificant to the outcome, but serve to call into question the legitimacy of our electoral system. Same ploy the D’s used for four years, that I found totally deplorable.
Got it! Understand.

I think things will play out fairly quickly. It will be what it will be. Obviously I see the situation from the other side of the coin. Just saying that this was a F’d up election and it didn’t have to be! And I would be hard pressed to support a concession from either side at this point.

Maybe, just maybe, both sides could get together and clean up the authentication process of both the electronic AND the absentee system. Universal Ballot sucks and needs a whole lot of work for me to ever buy in.
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Both could be true you know? Sacking? Speaking out of turn in public has gotten many people sacked over the years. Don’t know the details but they all serve at the pleasure of the President. He can sack someone for wearing the wrong color tie if he wants. What we know is he was sacked. That is all. Inferring and commentary beyond that is just that.

I'm not disputing the Pres doesn't have the right and authority to indeed sack him. But we can pretend it had nothing to do with sharing facts with the American public that run counter to the disinformation campaign the Pres is spearheading to undermine the election's outcome.
Even if you pull this heist off, Trump is still more powerful than any of Republican or Democrat. He'll be back.

You lost seats in the house, you're not getting the Senate, and you had to halt the election on election night and cheat to win, and you haven't done that yet.

Gloat away though.
Even if you pull this heist off, Trump is still more powerful than any of Republican or Democrat. He'll be back.

You lost seats in the house, you're not getting the Senate, and you had to halt the election on election night and cheat to win, and you haven't done that yet.

Gloat away though.

I saw it on Facebook so it must be true.
Joe Biden said himself they had the most comprehensive voter fraud plan ever in late October.
Why do you say this? Because he won? Because people voted by mail (like President Trump), because Trump began campaigning that the only way he’d lose was if it was rigged? I’m waiting for evidence. I think the courts are waiting for that too. I hope the Republican Party can get back to a leadership that tells the truth, is not worried about maintaining a brand, that engages with the rest of the western alliance, and focuses on a conservative, responsible economic agenda.

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