Jimbo vs. SEC Opponents 2018 to Present

I looked at Coach Fisher's wins/losses against SEC opponents with 3 conference games remaining to see the return on the investment of his hire in the SEC so far. He's 22-16 overall, with 3 Conference games left. Here's my breakdown:

Georgia: 1 loss
Tennessee: 1 win
S. Carolina: 4 wins-1 loss
Kentucky: 1 win
MIssouri: 1 win
Florida: 1 win (2022 to play)
Vanderbilt: 1 win
Ole Miss: 2 wins-2 losses (no game in 2020)
Alabama: 1 win-4 losses
LSU: 2 wins-2-losses (2022 to play)
Arkansas: 4 wins-1 loss
MS State: 2 wins-3 losses
Auburn: 2 wins-2 losses (2022 to play)

So versus SEC East: 9 wins-2 losses; versus SEC West: 13 wins-14 losses.

I was encouraged but upon further reflection…

It appears to me that we are just a poorly coached team with the occasional good concept and some young talented players.

What facet of our team would you say has been developed and coached well? You may point to lack of experience but there is a portal that one can you use to identify gaps in talent and we’ve have four top ten classes. There isn’t really an excuse to be playing this many freshmen.

The experienced guys have gotten worse. Outside of Achane and Ainias before he got hurt most of our guys who have been in the program this season look worse.

Our defense and offense are poorly schemed IMO. We made very few adjustments and our guys were out of place in run defense all night. Their slow QB ran for several long runs when we had them on 3rd and long.

How could you watch King and think he was the guy? Ever? How could you look at our line and not try and add a tackle? How could you pass on Sanders who went to Arky? There are gaps in our roster which seemed obvious to even an idiot like myself but weren’t filled.

Durkin, Santucci, Craig, Adazio, Dickey. Five guys who don’t seem to be good. I’m not sure on Terry but I’m assuming he’s a lifer.

Now I am not saying we won’t be markedly better as these young kids grow up but we have so many holes to fill and so many question marks.


It's the best way I can describe the state of our football program. Jimbo is a recruiting- machine but he cannot coach. He is the head coach, quarterback coach. offensive coordinator and responsible for who gets on the field and who doesn't and as the head coach he is ultimately responsible for the defense. In other words he owns the hole ball of wax and the current pathetic state of our current of our football program. We are five games into the season and all we hear at the post game press conference is that we have issues to address and that we will fix them.,. although I've seen no improvement. Just to mention one. Our defensive coordinator continues to run a defensive scheme with three down linemen and very few blitzes. How in the world can you expect to develop any sort of effective pass rush when you have three down linemen going against five pass blockers. We've done this in each of our previous four games and no adjustments have been made, so how is it that we are fixing things. It's been the same crap week after week. Across the field we have a coach who is running the offense and defense of a 4X5 card and is kicking our ass in every phase of the game and our coach has a play sheet that resembles a newspaper with so many plays that makes it difficult to decide what play to run. The result, call time out.
One last thing, Jimbo needs to wright the ship quickly, it's not too late. We have quality athletes who simply need to be coached positively. and put in the best possible position to win. We owe it to them.

Itaewon Tragedy

*This thread is about the 154 people who were crushed to death in South Korea on Saturday*

I know there are quite a few people who have spent time in Seoul, or other parts of Korea, because of military service. I was a teacher and lived in Itaewon for three of my seven years in Korea My favorite pub, my nightly hangout, was just two alleys away. The type of accident that happened is, unfortunately, all too predictable in today's Korea. Still, though, it seems unreal. The alleyways around the Hamilton Hotel slope downward steeply, and I could see how people falling could trigger a reaction that piles upon itself. It's just tough to imagine 151 people getting crushed.

COVID experience

Complete transparency. I'm a conservative and a true believer of my right as a US citizen to freedom. However, when my freedom interferes with yours, that's a problem. I think the politics of COVID are ridiculous. The politicians from both sides are protecting their own asses and only care about your vote. The pharmaceutical companies are making out like bandits and they've been crooks for years. I don't believe we should be giving people checks for doing nothing and the whole unemployment, PPP thing was a joke for the most part. In March 2020, I thought it was ridiculous to have anyone under the age of 70 that wasn't immunocompromised quarantining. I thought COVID was another version of the flu.

I read all these thoughts about what is happening now and it has me thinking you've been fortunate to avoid impact from COVID. People say, it's just a running nose or a cold or bad allergies. If that is your experience, awesome for you. In the past 6 months, we've had several friends experience loss including a 14 year old boy who lost both parents and numerous acquaintances got really sick. Two healthy friends were hospitalized. One in ICU for 60 days who got it from a co-worker with a cold. The other is seeing 13 Doctors. Nearly every organ in her body is compromised. Both young, healthy and will never be the same.

Our family has been extremely fortunate and we have played it safe. We avoid overcrowded indoor places, we are vaccinated and the kids wear masks at school. We have avoided COVID. That was until 5 weeks ago.

Five weeks ago, my wife got COVID. She got it from a friend. A friend who reluctantly got vaccinated because her new job required it. She and her family don't believe in masks, social distancing, vaccinations and think the whole thing is overblown. This friend just had a "COLD", for 4 days. Took my wife shopping and spent the day with her in the car, shopping and eating together. 8 hours of time and never mentioned the cold. Two days later, my wife starting feeling weak. This was after taking my son to a Doctors appointment for his asthma checkup and running some errands for a couple of hours. My wife went to bed early. I got a text from another friend, who told me the lady my wife spent the day with had COVID and her husband is positive too. They confirmed via text. Wife woke up feeling like S***!. Got tested and boom, positive. 2 days later, son starts coughing and boom, positive. The rest of us (me and other 2 kids tested negative). Day 1-3 of symptoms felt like a cold for my wife, took the monoclunal IV on day 3 of symptoms (maybe too late) plus Zpack. My wife is fully vaxxed, one of the healthiest, strongest (works out 5 days a week, eats perfect, 115 pounds of bad ass) people you'll ever meet. Day 4-10, she had trouble getting out of bed. No taste/smell, severe headaches, organ aches, weakness, fatigue, trouble speaking, etc. No fever, oxygen was good, so Dr. said she will be ok. Let it run it's course. By Day 15 she was able to function for a few hours. Day 21 seemed better, working back to normal. It's Day 37, still having headaches and they're getting worse, weakness, limited taste/smell and difficulty verbalizing thoughts. Has a Dr appointment Monday. Possible CT scan coming.

Fortunately, our son, age 14 was fine after 2 days, which explains that this whole thing is about exposure and vaccinations. He was fully vaccinated 2 weeks prior to exposure. The amount/how much viral shed you receive (being around a symptomatic individual) and how much protection you have determines sickness in my mind. My wife was due the booster and the person she was around was on day 4 of symptoms (as we found out later) for several hours. This "friend" and her family didn't quarantine, even after knowing they were positive. They went Christmas shopping and didn't wear masks. Eventually, all 5 of their family got COVID and were sick for a few days. They were pissed and thought their personal freedoms were infringed upon because their kids had to do virtual school. That sounds like some I hear talking about it's just a cold and this whole thing is BS, we should be able to do what we want. If you think that, then you haven't been negatively impacted. Maybe your ass is just lucky.

Bottom line, I don't believe in the whole 10 day quarantine if your negative and asymptomatic and I don't believe the vaccine prevents getting COVID or spreading it to others. I do believe masks work to lessen spread in certain situations and I believe small enclosed spaces with too many people are a super spreader waiting to happen. Healthy people are going to get it in differing degrees depending on when they were vaccinated, which vaccine they had, which strain and the viral load they received. Too much virus equals being really sick.

If you have any symptoms, even a runny nose, please get tested. Your symptoms may not be bad, but you could infect another individual and they might get really sick. I think once you test negative, you should be OK to return to normal activity. Don't assume it's just a cold or allergies. Don't assume if your positive and you aren't really sick that another person you infect will have the same reaction. If you don't want to get vaxxed, OK, if you don't care if you're sick, OK, but don't ignore a symptom and don't risk infecting someone else if your symptomatic. That's not your freedom.
