It’s Sunday and We Just Lost Our 6th Straight

WTF has no one on the staff or the program been fired yet? I get Jimbo ain’t getting canned and firmly believe if he hands total control to a real offensive staff we’ll be the program we all want to be.
What I don’t understand is how you aren’t sending a message to people outside the program that’s things will not be same. That 6 straight losses is unacceptable. That you’ll do whatever it takes to win some games and stop embarrassing this great university.

So someone help me out, aside from Jimbo just sucks, why TF has nobody been fired yet??????

All Quiet on the Western Front - Netflix

A must-see WWI film. Told from the German perspective makes this film fascinating. The story and film is very dark and shows us the horrors of war but the distinct difference between the elites fighting the war and the soldiers (underaged kids) used as fodder. German soldiers were sold propaganda of adventure, glory, and the joy fighting for the motherland (or fatherland)

If you like action packed and dramatic war films, you’ll like this one.

Human nature 101....

If you never, ever, EVER had to worry about money or security or four of Maslow's five needs; if you grew up poor and now you are legit rich with generational wealth; would YOU work as hard?

Would you care as much?

Jimbo is human and two successive AD's made sure he and his family would never want for anything again ever.

We all have a ring side seat to an epic "give a shitter" meltdown. That dude simply does not care.


Worst cheating scandals of all time

Everyone will have a different one but #1 on my list is King David who slept with his best friend's wife Bathsheba. He coveted her, slept with her and sent his best friend into a battle he would enivitably die so they could be together. God forgave him. We all have a chance after this one.
#2.... FDR having an affair with Lucy Rutherford. Men must have their vagina

Complicated offense??

I keep hearing that Jimbo’s offense is too complicated for our players - but looking at the plays Jordan Rogers highlighted - it looked like backyard football -“ everyone go deep” - see this several times - he may have a bunch of different plays but the route creativity is nil - whars the real inside scoop on this complexity - to me the routes need much more complexion - bunches , crosses , influence picks etc

Moose Tweet (Not Good)

He just deleted it but I copied and pasted it before it was cleared.

“Wanted to clear the air and state that I was benched through the entirety of tonight’s game due to wearing arm accessories (sleeves), which I’ve had tons of success wearing throughout the course of my football career…”
— Muhsin “Moose” Muhammad III (@MooseMuhammad) November 13, 2022

“apologize to my teammates & fans who may view my decision as selfish or of any negative nature, however I've been playing this game for a majority of my life and have a strong understanding of what's best for
myself in the field of play!”
— Muhsin “Moose” Muhammad III (@MooseMuhammad) November 13, 2022

We we can probably say goodbye to him to after the season.

Manchurian Candidate

We got one, the rat is in the house.
Who set us up?

My first guess is those dildos in austin. But would they go to this much effort on such an elaborate scheme? They like to act like they don’t care, turn up their nose and look out of the corner of their eye. Watching, hoping for the worst.

My second guess is the SEC. They really hate us for some reason. Power thing? They know that we could control the world with time? After all, they did do the absolute one thing that was agree must never happen. We thought it was a gentleman’s agreement with all the other schools…. Let the dildos into the conference.

The big 12?
Did they play the long game, and finally, 10 years later the plan can to fruition?

I’m fvcking sure George Soros is involved somewhere in this plan.

Something to consider

A&M, with a freshman quarterback making his first road start
With two backup offensive linemen and two who are seriously banged up
With a receiver group of Blake Smith, Jalen Preston, Noah Thomas and Devin Price because you have no one else
And that terrible scheme
With that ridiculous wind and the most Fed officiating I've ever watched: 10 points.

Texas, with super Ewers, 1st round Bijan, All Gas no Breaks super genius playcaller coach with awesome scheme: 3 points.

Very, very different opponents, but still...3 points.

what if !

Going into the game this week with UMass at 1-9, what happens if we lose this game, or it is extremely close. What happens to fisher at this point. Will the regents be forced to make a change to save anything related to aggie football. And,how does it effect any nil money in regards to 2023 recruiting. There is no more,the glory for playing for a particular school. It's about the Benjamin's. Sad to say.

Jimbo = Torbush

At one time, Torbush was a highly respected and highly successful defensive coach.

Then, Urban Meyer at Utah confused him, shocked him, and "WOW'ed" him with schemes that flew beyond his comprehension. Torbush was so stubborn and became so confused that he never realized that his schemes were the root problem with the defense. Instead, he kept using the same old schemes expecting them to work, despite repeated failure, week after week. He never understood. He never recovered. Out of necessity, he had to be fired.

With Jimbo's schemes, TV commentators and fans see the problems, but Jimbo keeps using those schemes even when they don't work time and time again. Clearly, he's confused. And remember three months ago... Jimbo was telling everyone what great shape the program is in, like all-time best shape. Now, the offense, defense, and front office are a complete mess. That is shocking. It's so bad that a Torbush WOW is an appropriate response.

Where is the evidence that Jimbo can be successful if only he has a new OC to take over the offense? Would Torbush have been successful if only he had a new DB coach?

How do you justify keeping Jimbo? Look at the athletic budget last year (link).

Revenue: $161 million
Operating expenses: $141 million
Profit: $20 million
Jimbo's salary: $9 million per year (about 6% of total expenses).

From a big picture standpoint, firing Jimbo is financially doable. Painful, but doable. And if that $161 million revenue slips by 6%, A&M will immediately be worse off financially in 2023 by keeping Jimbo.
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