New OC

After listening to Jimbo’s presser yesterday, it didn’t sound like he thought the play calling was the problem…..are we really supposed to believe Jimbo is gonna turn over the offense to someone else? If I’m a betting man, I’d put $100 that he’s still in charge of the offense and calling plays next year…..
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Two things come to mind:

1. Lane Kiffin saying that close wins were not enough. Progress was not enough. He came here to beat Alabama and win the West and the SEC. I don't like the man, but he stood his ground, made no excuses and hammered home his belief that success was only defined by winning. With Jimbo there is always circumstances beyond his control that cause his problems.

2. I'm afraid that our mismanagement of NIL, and the pouncing of the media and rival coaches on our problems has created a massive cultural problem. Who would have thought that you might create life challenges by giving college age kids tens of thousands of dollars with little training in life skills; kids that come from homes where they had little and saw success as instant gratification? We now have a culture where the kids believe they are on the top of the food chain, not in a position where they have to fight for what they want in life.

We have some bad actors that believe they are they heavy weight champions and never put in the work, never pushed themselves to their limits, believe that they are owed success and demand to be treated like stars.

Our culture was based on the Junction Boys, Earl Rudder, and others that taught us about sacrifice, struggle, and hard work. We have pointed fingers at the SIP's country club atmosphere and softness. I'm afraid we have as big a problem, and believe me, our detractors know it and will use it against us.

We have become our own worst enemy.

Election Fraud

I guess election fraud really does exist contrary to the Democrat controlled news media telling us otherwise.

