Shameless Plug (Job Search Related)

Gig ‘em, Ags!

My name's Will and I run a career coaching company.

If you:

-Were impacted by layoffs
-Have a college student in your life who is seeking an internship or job
-Are looking to sharpen up your job searching skills
-Simply want to support one of your AY brothers

I've got you covered. I offer 2 digital courses to help job seekers 👇

1. Get More Interviews

2. Crush Every Interview

Do these two things consistently and you’ll land a role you’re stoked about as quickly as possible 🚀

Each course is $150, but if you send me a DM, I’ll give you an Aggie discount of 25% off.

I’ve never offered a discount on my courses before, but what can I say…I love y’all.

A little more about me (aka why should you give a f*ck)

Prior to becoming a full-time coach, I was a Senior Marketing Manager at Amazon.

I've received $200K+ job offers to be an Account Executive, Program Manager, and Recruiter despite having zero experience in those job functions.

Over the past few years, I've helped 400+ customers land job offers across every core business function at companies including: Google, Apple, Amazon, Nike, Rivian, Disney, P&G, Goldman Sachs, Deloitte, Microsoft, Walmart, and more!

I’ve also created and led career programming for top MBA programs including Cornell University, Notre Dame, and UC San Diego.

TL;DR I’m the real deal as a career coach. My job search process is legit. And I love y’all.

Send me a DM if you’re interested.

Auto insurance question

Spoke to USAA about this but wasn’t exactly confident in the answer so I’m hoping some of our insurance guys can help.

My daughter is a junior at West Point. She now gets to have her car at school. Her permanent address is our address in Texas. The car is in New York. I tried to update the primary location of the vehicle to NY and was directed to call.

Given the “pay” they receive while a cadet we are not able to claim her as a dependent for tax purposes but we definitely cover 50% or more of her expenses. USAA is saying that I don’t need to issue a separate policy but couldn’t really tell me how they determine dependency. I’d obviously prefer to keep her on my policy for cost purposes but want to make sure we’re covered if anything happens.

I was hoping USAA of all companies would understand the service academy nuance to our situation but the lady I got didn’t even know what it was.

Texas Tech hires UNT bball coach Grant McCasland

This was expected, but the timing is still crazy fast. The NIT championship game ended at 10:41, and the tweet below came out at 10:57.

My brothers went to TT, and one of them said that it was presumed that McCasland was the guy because there was no noise on any candidates, so it seemed like it had to be someone still playing.

Seems like a good hire. He led my other alma mater (UNT) and also my hometown (Denton) school to basketball heights we could have only dreamed of while I was growing up going to NTSU games.

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Did Anybody Know Today is Vietnam Veteran's Day?

I sure didn't until I got a thank you email from USAA, but they have a members podcast this morning hosted by Navy Captain Charles Plumb. He gives motivational talks about a guy he met in a restaurant after coming home from 5 years in Hanoi. Here are his Cliff Notes:

Wildcat Clay Club Fundraiser Shoot April 15th !!!

It's that time of year again. The Splendora High School Wildcat Clay Team is hosting their annual fundraiser April 15th at Blackwood Sporting Club In Conroe Texas. The Clay Club gave out $10,000 in scholarships last year and are working to stay at that level of awards given. We have a freshman at A&M in the engineering program and freshman at Baylor majoring in neuroscience and two freshman at Sam Houston State studying computer science.
If you live in the Conroe area and would like to come shoot some sporting clays please email me at for the team sigh up form.

Thank You
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