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tsip despiser

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Jan 28, 2004

QAnon supporters gather in downtown Dallas expecting JFK Jr. to Reappear

Some believe the reappearance of John F. Kennedy’s son, who died in a plane crash in 1999, will bring about the reinstatement of Donald Trump as president.

A woman waves a Trump and John F. Kennedy Jr. flag along Elm Street at Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas on Nov. 2, 2021. The group believes John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in plane crash in 1999, will return and reinstate Donald Trump as president.

A woman waves a Trump and John F. Kennedy Jr. flag along Elm Street at Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas on Nov. 2, 2021. The group believes John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in plane crash in 1999, will return and reinstate Donald Trump as president.(Elias Valverde II / Staff Photographer)
By Catherine Marfin and Michael Williams
1:46 PM on Nov 2, 2021 — Updated 17 minutes ago

This is a developing story and will be updated.
Scores of QAnon believers gathered Tuesday afternoon in downtown Dallas in the hopes that John F. Kennedy Jr. would appear, heralding the reinstatement of Donald Trump as president.
The supporters first gathered Monday night in downtown Dallas, and about 1 p.m. Tuesday there were several hundred people near Dealey Plaza, where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.

Kennedy’s son died in a plane crash in 1999 at age 38, but some supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory believe that he has spent the last 22 years in hiding. They think John F. Kennedy Jr. will reappear at the plaza before midnight Tuesday, Newsweek reported.

One post from a widely followed QAnon social media account said that after Trump was reinstated as president, he would step down and JFK Jr. would become president. Then former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn would be appointed as his vice president and Trump would ultimately become the “king of kings,” according to Newsweek.

Experts who have been following QAnon since its inception said tht even they were surprised by the number of people who showed up Tuesday in Dallas.
QAnon supporters gather along Elm Street at Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas on Nov. 2, 2021. The group believes John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in plane crash in 1999, will return and reinstate Donald Trump as president. (Elias Valverde II/The Dallas Morning News)

QAnon supporters gather along Elm Street at Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas on Nov. 2, 2021. The group believes John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in plane crash in 1999, will return and reinstate Donald Trump as president. (Elias Valverde II/The Dallas Morning News)(Elias Valverde II / Staff Photographer)

”Frankly, I’m kind of shocked at how many people turned out for this,” said Jared Holt, a resident fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab who researches domestic extremism. “This wasn’t a widespread belief, even among QAnon followers.”

The QAnon conspiracy theory centers on fealty to Trump, who adherents believe will dismantle a shadowy “Deep State,” which they believe comprises leftist politicians and celebrities who are pedophiles.

Law enforcement groups, including the FBI, have warned of the dangers of real-world violence by followers of the movement. QAnon believers were well-represented during the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

QAnon is an umbrella group, in which different segments don’t always agree on ideologies, Holt said. He believes Tuesday’s event grew out of chat channels that are obsessed with numerology.
Posts in those channels indicated JFK Jr. would reveal himself Tuesday, but Holt said he was uncertain why believers decided he would pick Dallas, the site of his father’s death, of all places, to reveal himself.

JFK Jr. has been a popular figure among QAnon conspiracy theorists. In 2019, some members believed he would return on July 4 as Trump’s vice president, Forbes reported. Another theory posits that JFK Jr. is “Q,” the group’s anonymous leader, according to Forbes.
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You didn’t mention the Lincoln project hoax
Liberals love this coverage because they can throw all Republicans into the crazy category. These people are delusional.
But WHY JFK, Jr. and Trump? I'm pretty sure JFK, Jr. wasn't any kind of Trumpian type a guy. His dad, arguably the most famous Dem, Jr. going to take over the country from the dead and then turn it over to Trump as the Grand Pubah of all Pubah's????

The acid thread of a few days ago has nothing on these crazies. But....I do want one of those Trump/JFK, Jr. with a Q on it flags. A copy of that would be the tits.

But WHY JFK, Jr. and Trump? I'm pretty sure JFK, Jr. wasn't any kind of Trumpian type a guy. His dad, arguably the most famous Dem, Jr. going to take over the country from the dead and then turn it over to Trump as the Grand Pubah of all Pubah's????

The acid thread of a few days ago has nothing on these crazies. But....I do want one of those Trump/JFK, Jr. with a Q on it flags. A copy of that would be the tits.
He said tits.
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In a country with millions of people pushing CRT, open borders, defunding police, rampant inflation, decriminalizing actual crime, gender equity, FBI school board oversight, reducing election security, reparations for illegals, green new deals we can’t afford while begging OPEC to increase production, and President shit-pants, OP did a great job shining the light on these ~hundred crazy people not actually bothering anyone.
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I classify these people right up there with those that think the spending bill in Congress costs nothing. They all are quacks.
If we want to make fun of crazies, how about those that believe Biden got more than fifteen million more votes than Obama. That shit is crazy.
In a country with millions of people pushing CRT, open borders, defunding police, rampant inflation, decriminalizing actual crime, gender equity, FBI school board oversight, reducing election security, reparations for illegals, green new deals we can’t afford while begging OPEC to increase production, and President shit-pants, OP did a great job shining the light on these ~hundred crazy people not actually bothering anyone.
Can you define CRT or point to it in a textbook that is currently used in K-12 schools?

I've only seen it introduced in law school theory classes.
  • Haha
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Can you define CRT or point to it in a textbook that is currently used in K-12 schools?

I've only seen it introduced in law school theory classes.
I’m not going to play buzzword semantics with you. There’s a reason people are taking about CRT and it isn’t because it only exists in some obscure law theory class. Call it whatever you want, we are talking about the garbage narrative that the US is inherently and systematically racist.

Critical Race Theory: doesn’t exist, but you’re a white supremacist if you oppose it.
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Can you define CRT or point to it in a textbook that is currently used in K-12 schools?

I've only seen it introduced in law school theory classes.
So why are the teachers Union pushing crt?
So why are the teachers Union pushing crt?

I don't know. Which teachers' union?

Do they know what CRT is?

Or do they just want to keep teaching about slavery, the civil rights movement, Japanese internment camps, segregation, etc without worrying if it makes people uncomfortable?
In a country with millions of people pushing CRT, open borders, defunding police, rampant inflation, decriminalizing actual crime, gender equity, FBI school board oversight, reducing election security, reparations for illegals, green new deals we can’t afford while begging OPEC to increase production, and President shit-pants, OP did a great job shining the light on these ~hundred crazy people not actually bothering anyone.
It's what the DNC controlled news media does.
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