NCAA Investigating Johnny Football


Jul 26, 2013
I sure wish that ESPN would get more than some thin circumstantial evidence before saying that someone may have taken money for autographs. The accusation alone is going to do enough harm; it will not matter if its true. Since his parents have money I doubt it is.

Heck, not to mention he seems like a smart enough kid not to do something so stupid. Yeah, he's acted a little foolish at times, but there is a difference between what he has done and this accusation.
The season is a month away and the way the NCAA does things, this investigation will take twice as long. So even if he did nothing wrong the team will still face punishment anyway by having it's best player on the bench.
Even if Manziel didn't take money for the autographs, what was he thinking when he signed approximately 1,000 items?

Was this for a friend? Does he just like to scribble his signature? Did he accept money for his autograph? Gosh, I wonder what most people will conclude is the most likely choice of these three?

If he's clean, and I certainly hope he is, there'll have to be some pretty solid evidence if this is to go away anytime soon.
If true then I'd rather John Manziel signed with Kansas instead so I can delight with satisfaction the Turkey Buzzards getting probation. Y'all would rather he signed with the Mad Cows; his first choice. If not true then how could he be in shape when practice comes again if he spent all summer gallivanting around when he should have been @ required summer conditioning. Anyone?


This post was edited on 8/4 10:40 PM by 12375CAT

This post was edited on 8/5 10:11 AM by 12375CAT
He was at all the voluntary 7 on 7 summer practice sessions. He was the leader in those practices just as he was one of the leaders for the team last fall. Our S & C coach is one of the best in the business and Johnny, like the rest of the team, is given a S & C plan to go by during the offseason. He's currently in excellent shape and put on 10lbs of good weight since the end of Spring Football.

As for the autograph signings for profit story ...even the article's writer says the so called "witnesses" of said autographs admitted they never saw any cash/payments extended. Hmmm, strong witnesses.

Johnny has brought some unnecessary attention to himself outside of the normal attention given to Heisman winners. That doesn't mean he's broken any laws or NCAA rules. If he's guilty (I highly doubt he is due to everything A&M's compliance office has doing since he won the Heisman to insure he doesn't break any rules) then it will come out. The truth, it's like the cream always rises to the top. Personally I'm not worried. The NCAA has evidently been investigating this since June and if they had found anything or solid evidence, I'm sure Johnny wouldn't be starting the first practice tomorrow. We'll see though.
I just got home and read about this crap. I can't stand the NCAA or ESPN. The NCAA is circling the drain and ESPN is the media whore. Effff both of them.. Good luck in the season.
Originally posted by UF SUCKS A BIG ONE AGAIN:
I just got home and read about this crap. I can't stand the NCAA or ESPN. The NCAA is circling the drain and ESPN is the media whore. Effff both of them.. Good luck in the season.
Yep the NCAA and ESPN outside the lines have ignored a long list of violations at UNC because they do not have the manpower to investigate yet they can find plenty of time to look into Johnnie footballs autographs. A UNC player gets caught with guns and drugs while driving a car registered to a known felon who is also connected to UNC boosters while UNC is already on probation and no word from the NCAA or ESPN. I guess we know who runs the NCAA and ESPN now don't we. Good luck A&M.
This post was edited on 8/5 10:39 AM by jimboleo
I think we should all (especially non-A&M fans) withhold judgement until more facts come out. This could be nothing, and it'd be a bit premature, to say the least, to declare that JM2 violated NCAA rules and was given "X" amount of money.
Originally posted by RammerJammer91:
I think we should all (especially non-A&M fans) withhold judgement until more facts come out. This could be nothing, and it'd be a bit premature, to say the least, to declare that JM2 violated NCAA rules and was given "X" amount of money.
For what its worth, I don't see anything wrong with him getting paid even if he did do it. The problem here is he got involved with a rat, who is currently ratting. This ESPN article says there was a hidden video camera in the room. It looks like he was set up for failure from the start.

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