Latest Manziel Report Shows NCAA Has Work Cut Out

Chile Pequin

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Oct 13, 2001
Corsicana, TX
Posted by Ben Kercheval on August 6, 2013, 3:48 PM EDT

It's been two days since "Outside the Lines" released a report claiming the NCAA was looking into whether Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel signed memorabilia for money. Yesterday, the story was pushed forward with a new allegation which focused on Manziel's friend and personal assistant that could also bring Manziel's eligibility into question via the Cam Newton rule.

Today was no different. ESPN's Joe Schad writes in a report that Manziel received $7,500 from an "East Coast autograph broker" in exchange for signing "approximately 300 mini- and full-sized helmets on Jan. 11-12 while he was attending the Walter Camp Football Foundation event."

The broker showed Schad two videos, which he said were taken without Manziel's knowledge, of the Heisman winner signing memorabilia. However, the videos, which the broker initially tried to sell to ESPN, do not show any exchange of money.

This probably won't be the last report that surfaces about Manziel and autographs, so the process of really moving the story forward comes down to this: is there hard evidence of Manziel receiving money for his signature? Technically speaking, Manziel has to comply with the NCAA during an investigation. That includes opening up his bank statements and explaining some possibly big-time purchases.

If the NCAA can't find anything, however, pinning down a transaction (or multiple transactions) could be significantly harder to do. The broker, who was not named in the latest ESPN piece, said he does not intend to cooperate with the NCAA.

Likewise, the other anonymous autograph broker from Monday's story told ESPN he had declined to answer six calls from the NCAA. The broker in OTL's original Sunday report, Drew Tieman, didn't even reply to ESPN's requests for comment, so it's doubtful he'd cooperate with the NCAA. In that vein, anyone else potentially of interest to the NCAA who's close to Manziel, such as his family or friend/personal assistant, Nate Fitch, doesn't have to cooperate either.

That would put the Association in a tough spot, and A&M has lawyered up by retaining the legal services of Lightfoot, Franklin and White, who helped Auburn keep Cam Newton eligible in 2010.

It's far too early to tell if Manziel will face any type of suspension or punishment in this case ? if he broke NCAA bylaws to begin with ? but the odds appear to be stacking up against the NCAA.

NCAA Has Work Cut Out
1.) "ESPN's Joe Schad writes in a report that Manziel received $7,500 from an "East Coast autograph broker" in exchange for signing "approximately 300 mini- and full-sized helmets on Jan. 11-12 while he was attending the Walter Camp Football Foundation event." The broker showed Schad two videos, which he said were taken without Manziel's knowledge, of the Heisman winner signing memorabilia. However, the videos, which the broker initially tried to sell to ESPN, do not show any exchange of money."

2.) "Is there hard evidence of Manziel receiving money for his signature? Technically speaking, Manziel has to comply with the NCAA during an investigation. That includes opening up his bank statements and explaining some possibly big-time purchases."

3.) "If the NCAA can't find anything, however, pinning down a transaction (or multiple transactions) could be significantly harder to do. The broker, who was not named in the latest ESPN piece, said he does not intend to cooperate with the NCAA."

4.) "Likewise, the other anonymous autograph broker from Monday's story told ESPN he had declined to answer six calls from the NCAA. The broker in OTL's original Sunday report, Drew Tieman, didn't even reply to ESPN's requests for comment, so it's doubtful he'd cooperate with the NCAA. Nate Fitch, doesn't have to cooperate either."

5.) "That would put the Association in a tough spot, and A&M has lawyered up by retaining the legal services of Lightfoot, Franklin and White, who helped Auburn keep Cam Newton eligible in 2010."
Hello Mr. Chile. Que pasa. I read the entire post, but broke it down into five areas. First allow me to compare this with the "Rhett Bomar" situation at Oklahoma. Big Red Sports & Imports auto dealership was sold and the new owner was going through all of the books. He saw where Bomar and 2 other football players were paid for working at the same time OU was holding practice sessions.

He could have thrown all that paper work away, remained silent, and Bomar would have graduated from OU. Instead he took the paper work and gave it to coach Stoops. Stoops immediately called Bomar in and ask him if that were true. Bomar said, "yes." The next day the 3 players were kicked out of school at OU. Stoops also could have simply burned the paper work and nothing would have happened.

1.) O.K., now allow me to discuss point # 5 above. Lawyers Lightfoot, Franklin, and White? The NCAA uses the legal services of Holdem, Down, & Phouckem. They've NEVER lost unless they wanted to. Think of dealing with the IRS.

2.) Point # 1 above: Manziel was video taped signing 300 football helmets in 2 days (for free) for two football memoribilia brokers. (whom he didn't know) Manziel gave up valuable time doing this for free for strangers, because he is a rightous human being, and wanted the brokers to make money to feed their families. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.

3.) Point # 2 above: Proof of money exchanging: Manziel legally doesn't have to show the NCAA anything. This is not a criminal/civil court matter. Also, the NCAA legally doesn't have to show cause for any rulings they make. Remember this is not a criminal/civil court matter. Simply close your eyes and think: I.R.S.

4.) Point # 3 above: Broker tells the NCAA to go to hell, he 'ain't' telling 'em nothin.' This guy is a moron. Be sure to piss the NCAA investigators off. Remember the NCAA does NOT have to be shown 'HARD PROOF.' They just need to be convinced you are not lying nor hiding anything. This broker is for sure not making Manziel look innocent. No legal criminal/cival case here.

5.) Point # 4 above: Another "NON-COOPERATOR." The NCAA is now 100% sure that 'Johnny Football' is as clean as the wind driven snow. Every one is bending over backwards cooperating, and helping the NCAA clear Manziel's name.
Er, ah,............NOT!!!!

Personally I dispise the NCAA. Buuttttt, they are the 'Hookin' Bull.' They can (and do) make rulings with no rhyme nor reason, and not have to explain one iota of their decisions. (The IRS) Remember Brian Bozworth being blocked from playing in the Bowl game by the NCAA? During the game he wore the tee shirt saying: NCAA: National Communist Association of America, and allowed the T.V. cameras to see and broadcast the shirt nation wide. The NCAA didn't have one piece of evidence, but they didn't like his attitude.

Finally, if the NCAA can't produce one piece of evidence, reckon how they're gonna respond due to the way they've been treated? I'm for sure not a mind reader, but I can call the outcome of this deal today, 7 August 2013. I had co-workers say, "I'm not gonna kiss anybody's ass for any reason in the world." Well, I did kiss mucho ass. I ended up owning the Oil Well Servining Company, (now retired) and they're old men who still have to work on those filthy oil rigs. When you're being investigated it's best to start kissing ass very hard and very often. Blocking investigators and pissing them off is not a smart move. The NCAA made their decision on this case the day the first broker told them to kiss off. From that day forwad they've just been going through the motions.

P.S. The shame of this whole deal is through the years the aTm fan base has been by far the best in the nation. Period. I've had meals before and after games with many of them. They just don't deserve this. MM
Originally posted by OUMarvelOUsMarvin:
1.) O.K., now allow me to discuss point # 5 above. Lawyers Lightfoot, Franklin, and White? The NCAA uses the legal services of Holdem, Down, & Phouckem. They've NEVER lost unless they wanted to. Think of dealing with the IRS.
A good post. Kudos to Bob Stoops for taking decisive action with Bomar et al. Often it is better to kiss up and cooperate and move forward.

That said, are you saying that the NCAA wanted to lose the Restricted Earnings case and pay out $80 million for anti-trust violations in setting salaries for assistant basketball coaches (although I think they did negotiate a reduction to $55 million), they wanted to pay Tarkanian $2.5 million?

My brother is a tax attorney in NYC. I'll have to ask him if the IRS ever loses 'unless they want to'
Hi Kcat. I mentioned the IRS only to paint the mental picture of a bully. That's one of the things I hate about the NCAA investigations. They may bully an athlete or a porgram or they may not. When they do you simply have to take it.

I would love to see the 'College Football Association' take the place of the NCAA. Destroy their playhouse and begin anew with a fair understandable organization which has no agenda. jmo MM

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