How can anyone still support this crap?

I certainly would never live in NY. Particularly related to their gun laws. I can see that this stuff isn’t going to stop until some of these rioters get shot. That said, I strongly recommend that no one try this at my place.

Biden Condemns Violence On Left And Right

That’s what they want. Those behind this want people to fight back so it escalates.
We are going to go through a very hard time as a nation I just hope we make it.
I think we are in it. People in big cities are somewhat rolling the dice. If you listen to the demands of these rioters they’re calling for a revolution and I think in their mind it’s the Cuba type. That ain’t happening and these cities ran by liberal democrats are going to be in for a long hard road. The genie is out of the bottle.
I have a hard time accepting the proposal that the state take over the APD. I think the idiots that voted for those people need to live with their decisions. If it means homeless camps are all along shoal creek in peoples back yards so be it. They voted for it.
But I also understand Austin represents the state and something needs to be done. It’s just a shame that these city council will be bailed out by the rest of the state.
Total BS Trav. Try listening to a live speech once. President Trump HAS condemned violence from both extremes. He has also supported right of self defense.
It can both be true that Biden has condemned violence and and that Trump has. Why are quotes from Biden reported by several news agencies and others “total bs?”help me understand what you’re trying to say here, bc you’re not making sense.
It can both be true that Biden has condemned violence and and that Trump has. Why are quotes from Biden reported by several news agencies and others “total bs?”help me understand what you’re trying to say here, bc you’re not making sense.
I was talking about you, not Biden. Your assertion was that Trump has not spoken out against.extrmist violence and I called BS
That’s what they want. Those behind this want people to fight back so it escalates.
We are going to go through a very hard time as a nation I just hope we make it.
What to NOT do, and why not
Now, the Democrat regime would love nothing more than for a military unit to open fire on “peaceful protestors.” So would the media. Looking for fairness? How many of the mainstream outlets have reported that one of the criminals Kyle Rittenhouse shot in self-defense was a convicted pedophile? The demagogues are aching for Trump to throw them into the briar patch of a military crackdown. Remember, this whole riot scheme is an information operation designed to present the country as out of control and Trump as, alternatively, ineffectual or authoritarian.

..When little Ashleigh from the suburbs realizes that she’s looking at five years in federal prison instead of heading back to the Evergreen State to finish her Bolivian Trans Dance of the 13th Century degree, the lawyer daddy buys her will get her to sing like a canary about her commie pals. The feds should identify and map the whole criminal organization, identify its players and funding, and wipe it out.

Look, it’s perfectly understandable to be frustrated. But getting mad at Trump because he is not doing something that would turn into the cluster fvck to end all cluster fvcks is doing exactly what the liberal elite and its media minions want. Let Portland and the rest of the blue cities trash themselves. Let the DOJ, which has already charged dozens of these degenerates with federal beefs, do its thing. And make sure you get out and vote straight Republican if you want any hope of this ever ending.
NY's version of a nice summer eve on the front porch having a beer with your neighbor as you watch the world go by.
Let the zoo animals keep it up. They literally think they are going to intimidate people from voting. That’s their whole deal. Can’t wait to see them tear their own shit up again on election night. This will make me send more money to Trump

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