I've got a storage building at the bottom of a hill. When a HEAVY rain comes, the water off the hill (and off neighbor's yard) causes water to seek into the building under the foundation. I can't move the building to another location for several reasons and I can't raise the foundation.
I'm thinking of a rubber,plastic, or ??? membrane entrenched all around the building and buried about 15" below ground to divert the water around the building --- will probably install a french drain. I've researched all types on membranes (even galvanized metal flashing). What would you guys use? Would like a company, brand, where to buy, etc. Would like something that will last 25-30 years.
Not asking for a 5-star LB, just a little help.
I'm thinking of a rubber,plastic, or ??? membrane entrenched all around the building and buried about 15" below ground to divert the water around the building --- will probably install a french drain. I've researched all types on membranes (even galvanized metal flashing). What would you guys use? Would like a company, brand, where to buy, etc. Would like something that will last 25-30 years.
Not asking for a 5-star LB, just a little help.