Well, first, I am the first to recognize this is a red herring to convince theasses that government should tighten regulations on big business. But, all the data has been disputed. And, yet, even the Pope is preaching to us about it. I was talking to a lady who just retired as the librarian at Notre Dame. She was so thrilled that the Pope was addressing "the most important issue" in modern history. " I had to roll my eyes. She said that this whole middle eastern mess in Syria and ISIL was due to global warming, or rather " climate change". I asked her if she had ever heard of the Vikings and their 300-year reign of terror on Europe at the end of the first millennium AD? That was all possible because the Earth warmed up, their fjords did not ice-in, and water levels were higher allowing them water access to many places. There was no industrial age back then. She still stuck to her kool-aid. The UN is going along now. How do we stop the madness?