This place needs good vibes
We are taking our annual road trip to Oxford and debauchery will be widespread. Last year we tore Auburn a new one.
Thursday night we are going to Memphis and doing the Peabody/Beale Street thing. I guess no S & R's needed. We will just do the tourist thing essentially.
Friday we are playing golf at the Ole Miss Golf Club near the Oxford Airport. Anybody have feedback on that course?
Saturday I am hoping to convince the gang to go to the Square instead of The Grove (too muddy and crowded for me). What bars are good and have you guys had success in Oxford on The Square.
Departing Memphis at 7:30AM after the 6PM ESPN game might be a little sloppy.
We are taking our annual road trip to Oxford and debauchery will be widespread. Last year we tore Auburn a new one.
Thursday night we are going to Memphis and doing the Peabody/Beale Street thing. I guess no S & R's needed. We will just do the tourist thing essentially.
Friday we are playing golf at the Ole Miss Golf Club near the Oxford Airport. Anybody have feedback on that course?
Saturday I am hoping to convince the gang to go to the Square instead of The Grove (too muddy and crowded for me). What bars are good and have you guys had success in Oxford on The Square.
Departing Memphis at 7:30AM after the 6PM ESPN game might be a little sloppy.