My sister is psychotic.


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Feb 2, 2005
So this is a very long drawn out story and I'm sure there will be questions, but I had to post this and get some outside opinion. We as a family are running out of options to deal with her and not sure how to move forward. I've deleted some names for privacy but please try and read and give me some options because I'm lost for a solution. This was a text message from her to my dad. She's 35 years old and never had a job but has a masters in psychology.

Peoples goddamn stupidity every day is almost more than I can bare. They got the cops and judges and you and my piece of shit lawyer that I have half a mind to take out with me to fing fall for this stupid f-I got sh$t?? Really. My god. The fing idiocy. Or is that people don't want to think or consider things for even one second to see how fing obvious it is... I would think that with their chosen jobs they must have some sort of concern or integrity at the very least for doing their jobs well or correctly but for seeing that justice is done, and yet these known (and the cops and such had more info and access to this info In this respect than me!) criminals who may have committed crimes like these in the past were able to take the most moral person I know and yes that is me and no one
I know comes close except for mom and that is it even you so-called Christians who really are just hypocrites who go to church because it makes them look good but have no real concern for anyone but themselves and how they look or appear to others. So this has been a disturbing and disgusting and severe failure of the justice system - this is the type of stuff that literally destroys people and careers allowing that very thing to happen to a moral and generous person who truly was only trying to help. YOU know what obviously I could go on all day but I won't, I've said a this before and you and they didn't give one shit and did nothing to stop it. Do you know what that
Is called when you do nothing to stop the commission of a crime?? That's an accomplice. So by definition, you and the corrupt cops and the crooked lawyers are accomplices. You can continue to CHOOSE NOT TO BELIEVE ME DESPITE THE FACTS AND DESPITE THE EVIDENCE BUT I ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PERCENT BELIEVE WHAT IS DONE IN THE DARK WILL COME TO LIGHT, and I guarantee you and I swear to my last dying breath that I will do what I can to ensure that happens sooner rather than later. I did not want to have to go to drastic measures but I thought I may be forced, but I was still seeking to see justice served for me, still fighting to save what I could and move on. That all hinged on the Vette and peanut but most of all the Vette. Mom was the main thing but now I hate you so much that's a bit difficult. Let me see if I can help you get this because you can call it what you want it doesn't change the truth. What I am telling you is the truth it doesn't matter what your perspective is it doesn't change the facts. AND I SWEAR THAT THAT WILL ALL COME OUT ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. I've been telling you this since before I went to jail. I've been telling you for a long time. And killing myself to see justice done may have been
My mission then just for the principal of me going to jail for a second time for nothing. I was mad enough the first time but still could have let it go and moved on. The second time was a little bit harder I wanted to fight like mad for what that added to the destruction already begun - but I had no idea just how bad it would get it or how much damage would be done. So now I have just lost all motivation. I have nothing and I do mean nothing except for mom left. And I don't want her to know the truth because mommy is loving and loves me and therefore would be heartbroken if she knew how my life would turn out all because of some aholes. I mean I never guessed in a million years that my life could even be destroyed like that. I truly could not imagine my long time "true" friends turning on me not just because I can count fifty times for each of them that I helped so much they almost owe their lives to me, but not ever ever for anything would anyone have ever convinced me my own father would do this to me. Even though I knew you didn't liked and wished you'd had a different daughter I did not think you capable of this level of heartlessness, even if only so no one knew what a narcissistic self absorbed ahole you were. But then again I didn't know that about you. I thought you wanted to look good to others and
Keep up appearances but I just thought that a matter of managing perceptions not hiding a phony. But I digress. You knew what that car and that dog meant to me. You saw how important they were. You knew people were threatening me to take the case and you knew people were trying to frame me and steal from me and to hurt or kill me and you already knew they'd gotten me arrested for something I didn't do and had caused me to lose everything career apartment (2 of them!) all my belongings in New York and chance for getting them back I assume it is all being auctioned off and reputation
And money and on and on and on and on.., you knew you could control me and get me to do whatever you wanted (which is fine! I got that and was doing whatever you wanted that was part of the deal!) and I would have thought you wanted to continue to be able to get me to cooperate and do whatever pleased you and so I just couldn't believe that knowing how important that car was especially for more than it just being a car and you know it, but knowing that these people have victimized me and taken advantage of my genuine concern and good intentions and pure heart to cause me to NOT ONLY LOSE EVERYTHING BUT EVERYTHING IN NEW YORK AND THEN - AND THIS IS THE REAL KICKER THE TRULY AMAZING PART BUT TO ALSO MAKE SURE I CANNOT GET IT BACK THAT I LOSE EVERYTHING FOREVER, and for you to actually help them??? I mean, damn most people who at least pretend to be just indignant at the horrible injustice that caused a good person to lose everything and that caused a good persons life to be ruined while the criminals run free and other people would be upset at the state of affairs and the direction this country is headed in and... Moral is even strangers and people who don't care about me wouldn't have gone and sealed the nail in my coffin like that and then took the thing that was My hope for the future. Ok, getting ahead of myself again let me try to summarize the rest I'll try to write in a note or something but let me tell you this and this is the main point and the thing you haven't seemed to get but will eventually whether you like it or not and that I've been trying to help you save time by learning and having the chance to stop some of the things or fix some of the things that would not make this tragic outcome inevitable but I now know that I did not know you just as you did not know me. You don't love me mom was right but you never have regardless of how much you do that makes it appear otherwise and you are narcissistic and self involved hell maybe you are a sociopath too... But I digress, you selling that Vette and giving peanut to the people that are responsible for stealing my life and my future and (even my past with the NYC tragedy) but mainly you stealing my Vette which was a breach of our agreement that I had spent so much of my money and yours too! On and that was my hope and salvation and that if
It hadn't have been stolen from me despite all my money put into and the fact that you were stupid for buying it just to sell it would have been the catalyst for possibly fixing all this - so when I told you that I was telling you the truth and as I tell you the future and it comes true Every time without fail even if at first you were skeptical I hope you can see it now albeit a little too late. Every single Thing that has happened I told you would happen if you didn't listen and it did and you didn't. Yes obviously now I can see that you decided you were done so when I told you what would happen and that if you really wanted what you said you would get that Vette back and you didnt that what is about to happen is what you want. Touche. Ok so you and everyone else win. I hope y'all are happy. Driving people to suicide doesn't seem like my idea of fun but whatever floats your boat, but I know y'all won't be when the story comes out and everyone knows maybe that's just my involvement in it that makes it seem like it is important enough to be nationwide news but I really do think it will be but I guess only y'all will see. But when I am gone you can go right ahead and act like you didn't know and are so upset and blah blah blah bullsh$t You were the last line of defense for this, you were the last resort of help meaning had you helped like I asked it wouldn't have become a tragedy, but nope! You went and helped people steal my dog and then you the last person I would have thought killed me. It really does boil down to that. I would have lived had you not sold that Vette. Like I told you. Eh this is futile. You shocked me every step of the way because I was operating under the assumption you cared even maybe a tiny little bit, at least about people not knowing what a heartless uncaring bastard you are but I think you thought Blank would just kill me and you could pretend like the grieving father and no one would ever know what you did, that you abandoned your daughter when she needed you most and made sure the hole she was in was so big she couldn't get out...ever, hoping she would just give up and go away and leave you in peace. I thought about smashing the mustang as a f you to you for going to such great lengths to act like you cared and to give me hope and to make me feel there was another way out, only to show me, to prove to me once and for all, unequivocally, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you not only don't care about me, but that you actually want me gone. The false hope and pretend concern and the money was all just a game to torture me, to make sure I suffered before it was all over. Whatever. I'm sorry, I know you don't want to hear any of this bit but you have to understand that It is human nature to want to vent and to be understood and for people to
Listen and care that even when you know no one does and they probably never would and never did thatIt's disjointed I know bc I have had so much say because I kept thinking you had to just not be listening or understanding and that you would help me or at last not kill me if you knew did listen or believe and when I would give you proof and you still didn't do what I asked I kept thinking I had to explain because you didn't get it. But that also was because I was under the impression you were just played into helping them destroy me. But with everything you have done - with the sheer cruelty of the situation - with the Vette and the dog and all that that entailed - the only explanation that fits (I have a problem thinking people are better than they are and are less heartless and not monsters and wouldn't and couldn't even be capable of this level of cruelty and shameless destruction knowing it resulted in unimaginable torture and suffering of an innocent person already victimized multiple times over) is that you orchestrated it to begin
With. I kept thinking you didn't understand then you had to because you're smarter than that I thought you weren't listening but you didn't have to to see because it was becoming like common knowledge to strangers even and then I thought you weren't paying attention and then I realized you knew enough and you were given all the proof necessary and that no matter what no father that loved his daughter would do something like this. But duh, no father period would do half of what you've done most people wouldn't even do This to a stranger. And there I go again somehow falling right back in to thinking that no one would allow all of this much less contribute to it and that you are going to give me back my Vette and my peanut and help me find a place to live so that I
Can move on with my Life. But then I see that radar detector that I thought was my new one and realize that the Vette really truly was stolen from me by my own father (after I had done everything he asked and then some and had paid for it by so much more than what was agreed upon) - my brain could not comprehend someone doing such a horrible awful thing to another human being. I mean truly. I literally almost cannot fathom it even now my brain thinks wait
There really does have to be some other explanation other than my dad hates me so much he Wants to utterly crush me and break my heart so badly that it ensures total absolute and irreversible destruction. I was already being tortured almost to death, why not just wait and enjoy my misery? Afraid I might survive and actually thrive? Or that I might be able to get past this and have a life to
Live or that I might feel one moment of happiness? Couldn't take the chance I might survive, huh?

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