Italians report effective Covid-19 therapy


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Gold Member
Jul 18, 2008
Hydroxychloroquine ..
30% lower mortality rate.
go figure.

Viva Italians!

before BIMS and others chime in with refutations,
those articles clearly do not use similar treatment protocols (dosages, duration of treatments)..

"At variance with some studies carried out in other Countries, where efficacy of the drug was not observed, it is interesting to note that the doses of hydroxychloroquine adopted in Italy (200 mg, twice a day) are lower than the ones used in those researches."
The left is relying on a study that showed ineffective results but it was for those with advanced stages of the disease. Other studies seem to show earlier treatment is effective. Strange thatthe left is really politicizing a medical treatment, advocated and prescribed by many medical professionals. They hate our president that much.
When this was found to have affect on the virus, it should have been used, not as the overall cure, but till something better can be found. Which side fought it's use again?
The left is relying on a study that showed ineffective results but it was for those with advanced stages of the disease. Other studies seem to show earlier treatment is effective. Strange thatthe left is really politicizing a medical treatment, advocated and prescribed by many medical professionals. They hate our president that much.
And in turn killing people because of that hate for him.
When this was found to have affect on the virus, it should have been used, not as the overall cure, but till something better can be found. Which side fought it's use again?
this is THE solid point in the discussion..

there is zero evidence that short-term use (5-14 days) leads to death due to drug-induced cardiac complications..

specifically, that’s no deaths..

which is to say, nobody has died due to HCQ-involved cardiac dysrhythmia when taken as a one-week or two-week regimen..

to quantify that.. 0 (zero)

zip.. nada.. zilch.. nil.
“In past months
the World Health Organization recommended a stop to the use of hydroxychloroquine
on the basis of an international observational study, subsequently retracted.

Now the new data from the CORIST study,
resulting from a ‘real life’ national collaboration
might help Health Authorities better clarify
the role of this drug in the treatment of COVID-19 patients.”
“While waiting for a vaccine — says Licia Iacoviello, Director of the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention at Neuromed and professor of Public Health at the University of Insubria at Varese —
identifying effective therapies against COVID-19 is an absolute priority.".. 30% fewer deaths
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And now we can get a covid treatment and dewormed at the same time.