My son is 10. He loves baseball. Astros are his favorite team and our escape from everything going on is watching the Astros. 3 uncles served in the Army. Two are Ags, one isn’t. One shed blood for the flag in Iraq but is OK. The other two were in action but made it through. Deployments were tough for everyone and had to band together for emotional support for cousins whose dads were gone.
We Watched opening day and he saw three of his favorite players kneel during the anthem and then tonight the Astros walked off the field.
tonight: “Dad, it really hurts me to see anyone kneel during the anthem, especially my favorite players. Why can’t they just play for the love of the game ? I don’t know what to think anymore because they are my favorite players but if I root for them am I disrespecting the sacrifices uncle X, x, and x made?”
How the heck do you respond to a 10 year old with that question? All this really just sucks all the way around.
We Watched opening day and he saw three of his favorite players kneel during the anthem and then tonight the Astros walked off the field.
tonight: “Dad, it really hurts me to see anyone kneel during the anthem, especially my favorite players. Why can’t they just play for the love of the game ? I don’t know what to think anymore because they are my favorite players but if I root for them am I disrespecting the sacrifices uncle X, x, and x made?”
How the heck do you respond to a 10 year old with that question? All this really just sucks all the way around.