1. Do you ever practice this shit to improve your skills, or are you good with just taking up everyone’s time backing into a spot that most Americans just pull into frontal entry style like a boss?
2. Once parked, has anyone ever yanked your stupid ass out of the vehicle and beaten your ass to the point where your wife and/or boyfriend cried uncontrollably while begging your assailant to please stop?
Bonus question. Did you learn anything from this incident or do you need someone else to really give you the business?
Because let me tell you something. I have had it. Have.Had.It.
2. Once parked, has anyone ever yanked your stupid ass out of the vehicle and beaten your ass to the point where your wife and/or boyfriend cried uncontrollably while begging your assailant to please stop?
Bonus question. Did you learn anything from this incident or do you need someone else to really give you the business?
Because let me tell you something. I have had it. Have.Had.It.