My house was flooded from the city sewer backing up into my house from all the rain we had. Definitely was a city side problem but somehow they wont pay for it so my insurance is having to cover it(which i think is bullshit, any help or advice would be appreciated). But it will take months to renovate our home and i have wanted to get a camper to take down to the coast and different places with my son. So trying to figure our what are the campers i should stay away from and or look into. We will be living in it full time for about 6-8 months but would use alot afterwards. Would like a used one because i cant afford a new one but the 35000 range is what i can afford and want to know if there is something decent i could get for that! Im sure there will be tons of humorous jokes about all this which im good with because we sure could use a good laugh in this "shitty situation"🤣