
  1. Higher Authority

    The 2020 Definitive Music Collection

    Given that earlruBBer05 is still not taking phonecalls due to an extreme case of P.W., I once again bring you the AY tradition of running down our best albums of the year. However, this year I have a couple of changes to the normal format. 1) By Executive Order, the lists are now the Top 12...
  2. Higher Authority

    NEW OFA EPISODE: Midnight Oil - Diesel and Dust (1987)

    Just dropped a new episode covering a strangely superb album from the 80's that probably never would have been noticed if not for Crocodile Dundee, oddly enough. You'll probably know the opening track, Beds Are Burning, but the entire album is fantastic. Listen...
  3. Higher Authority

    NEW OFA EPISODE: SoulHat - Good To Be Gone (1994)

    Howdy, Ags...hope you guys can forgive the inclusion of Austin on the latest episode of OFA, but this is such a badass album from the 90's that you really don't want to miss. These guys took a swim or three thru College Station in the mid-90s at places like Hurricane Harry's or The Dixie...
  4. Higher Authority

    Talkin' ZZ Top

    This is an episode I've been looking forward to releasing for a while. If you are from Texas and you are alive, you better have a little bit of a soft spot for ZZ Top in your heart. Not only are they Texas royalty, they are also one of the most influential American bands ever. Most of us...
  5. Higher Authority

    New Podcast: Our Favorite Albums (NFR)

    I posted in another thread, but wanted to throw it out for any podcast and/or music enthusiasts. This is a project I've worked on a for a while and finally wrapped up the first couple of episodes. The first releases are a setup for the overall longterm direction of the project, which is full...
  6. Higher Authority

    The 2019 Definitive Music Collection

    As it turns out, our ol' friend, earlruBBer05, is still under house arrest and not allowed to rejoin AggieYell, so I offer up the annual AY tradition of the best of music thread for new releases over the past year. This is where we list out our top 10 albums of the 2019 year according to you...